% of fat

The American Heart Association recommends that people keep calories from saturated fat to no more than 5% to 6% of their total calories. That will help you lower your LDL levels between 11 and 13 points.
What is the number of saturated fat grams can I eat on a 1200 calorie diet? (I’m terrible at math!). Thank you.


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,198 Member
    edited February 2022
    If you like, in web MFP you can change your nutrient goals and your MFP diary columns, and I think sat fat is one you can add (replacing some existing column). Some of that may be a premium feature in the phone/tablet app version of MFP, not sure.


    5% means a multiplier of .05
    6% means a multiplier of .06

    .05 times 1200 is 60 calories
    .06 times 1200 is 72 calories

    Fat has roughly 9 calories per gram

    50 divided by 9 is 5.6 grams
    60 divided by 9 is 6.7 grams

    P.S. Try to try, with your math. It will help you in various ways, during weight loss via calorie counting or even just macro counting, like when you eat partial serving sizes and whatnot. My arithmetic and memory for numbers have improved a lot while using MFP, and that's a useful thing in general. Life is really just a big story problem, it seems like. 😉
  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 2,937 Member
    Not the OP, but thank you, Ann, for the math lesson!