Too late to undo overeating last night?



  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    If the ice cream was truly over your needs for the moment (like you went to bed and didn't burn them up) - it's stored as fat already.

    You get to the gym now and workout hard, you'll be burning mostly carbs.

    600 calories burned with maybe 20% being fat means 120 calories of fat, with 9 cal / gram = 13 grams of fat.

    Ya, I'm betting the ice cream had more fat in it than that.

    And that's why you can't out-exercise a bad diet.

    Just cut back an extra 100 from assigned daily goal for 5 days, then get back on board.

    Then again, 600 cal over TDEE for a week? Mere blip, small % of your calorie intake and burn viewed as weekly.

    Forget it, spend time thinking about why it happened and how to stop it next time. That's better use of energy.
    you really don't know anything about weight management or loss. You might need to read up on more information before you respond to others.

    I'm just saying.

    Pray tell, which part do you think I'm wrong with that you are mis-informed about.

    The fact that what you eat goes to immediate (3-4 hrs perhaps) energy needs first and restoring glucose stores before being stored as fat? (hence comment of at night, after dinner, then going to bed as OP said)

    Or fact that hard exercise is burning mainly carbs rather than fat? (OP said going to gym to burn 600 cal/hr which is hard work)

    Or the fact that an overage of 600 cal for 1 day out of a week over TDEE is a minor % of the week? (600 / (2100 TDEE x 7 = 14700) = 4.1% of weekly burn, or 600 / (1550 eaten x 7 = 10850) = 5.5% of weekly eaten)

    Or the fact it's much easier to eat 600 calories than exercise 600 calories away? (can't out-exercise a bad diet)

    Or the fact a pint of Ben & Jerry's is going to have more than 13 grams of fat?

    So which part specifically do I know nothing about?