Please kick my butt back into gear

Hi everyone, I've been on MFP for about a year now and have lost nearly 30 lbs. I feel so much better now than I did. In the last few months, though, I have stalled. Life has become incredibly stressful at work and being a caregiver to my dad and dealing with other things too.

My problem is food! I have no problem with breakfast and lunch, it's dinner that messes me up. My husband and I eat dinner together. I cook a healthy good meal and then he brings in extras like cakes and cookies and potato chips. He scarfs them all down (he is very fit and burns through calories like nothing) in front of me. If I have just a tiny taste, I often give in and eat more than I should. I ask him not to do this in front of me but even when he does somewhere else to eat it I can hear him unwrapping stuff! It's hard to resist and I often don't. I think my brain is muddled and I want something good to eat at the end of the day.

Exercising isn't a problem. I do it every day in the bits of time I have between caregiving and working. I don't have flexibility with my schedule as it depends on caregiving commitments.

Please give my butt a kick and help me get back into things! I feel stuck and can use any help.


  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    It's tough when a SO eats whatever and it's something we want. Is it possible to only allow things in the house that wouldn't tempt you? Or find your own substitute for when he is eating treats you don't want to start eating for fear of not stopping?

    Ex. my dh just walked by with an ice cream sandwich which I'd love but I know I'd empty the whole box if I got started. :/ So I'm sipping some SF hot chocolate as my afternoon treat.

    Good luck!! Think of how far you've come and how you don't want to lose that successful momentum you've got going!
  • ChangingColors
    ChangingColors Posts: 3 Member
    Any suggestions for potato chip substitutes, or cake? I'm a texture person. I was making fruit crisps for a while (dehydrated fruit chips) but that takes too long and hard to fit in my schedule. I haven't found a sub for cake yet but always willing to try. My husband has a huge sweet tooth and can literally eat a whole box of cookies in front of the TV. It's hard to know what or when he's going to bring home something. Some stuff I can easily ignore but the other stuff is so hard!
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    Hmmm, I'm not a big potato chip person. What about rice cakes? So many flavors out there and they're pretty good.
    As for cake, do you like angel food cake? I can picture a slice with fresh strawberries and FF whipped topping.

    Yeh, things only work if you can stick to reasonable portions. I get in big trouble once I start. :/
  • lisanhorowitz
    lisanhorowitz Posts: 38 Member
    Tell him to only bring single servings home so it's only enough for him. (Buying a 140 calorie bag of chips at a time not 6 packs or a giant bag of chips). The same goes for cookies or cakes. That way even if you do share, it's only 70 extra calories for you if it's chips. Though he can eat anything he wants, these foods are still not good for him, and if he eats less of them he'll also benefit.
  • TxTiffani
    TxTiffani Posts: 799 Member
    Oh there’s a mini cake Ww recipe my mom used to make that was good. It’s called 3-2-1 mug cake. You mix a full box of whatever cake mix you like and a box of angel food cake, portion them into little baggies with 3 tbsp each. When you want a cake you get a mug (add non stick spray), mix the 3tbsp mixture, 2 tbsp water, mix well and microwave 1 minute (time may vary depending on wattage). You can put a little whipped cream on top if you want. Makes a pretty light and tasty little cake for I think it’s like 100 cals.
  • ChangingColors
    ChangingColors Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions, everyone. I forgot about mug cakes, I will try that! Not a fan of rice cakes or sponge cake, unfortunately, I wish I were. I don't "police" what hubby eats since he runs, lifts weights, does all sorts of stuff. He's an adult who mostly makes good choices so if he wants a treat, that's up to him. :) ("single-serve" to him is a big bag of chips, not those puny ones!)
  • lcharpentier2
    lcharpentier2 Posts: 354 Member
    Yes I have a hubby who is a sabotager to. Brings home chips popcorn cookies all kinds of goodies that I don't want. Well not don't want but can't have is more like it. I'm doing good right now and hope it lasts for some time because I have lots to lose. But there's only one person put it on. And only one person can take it off.
    Now hopefully I can find this tomorrow.
    Linda from the great white Northern Ontario.
  • Beautyofdreams
    Beautyofdreams Posts: 1,009 Member
    Is there anyway that you can shift some calories from breakfast or lunch to the evening for a snack that fits into your calories? I am set at 1280 calories/day without exercise and still eat 3 meals and a snack. Candy bars are my weakness so I eat either a Built bar or a piece of fruit or air popped popcorn sprayed with low calorie oil and topped with Everything seasoning, sometimes an egg or a salad with low cal dressing. I will tell you that saying “no” to yourself is a muscle that has to be developed too. The more that you tell yourself no the easier it becomes to pass on foods that don’t fit into your calories. But would suggest saving calories for an evening snack first that will fit into your daily calories.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    this isnt a him problem. its a you problem. He should not have to alter what, how, or when he eats because you are. point blank, end of story. and i know you are not (or dont seem to be) suggesting he do.

    I purposely save calories for my 'bedtime cookies' LOL. it helps.

    you can look for lower calorie options that give the same 'fix'. there are lower calorie options for *most* things. cookies, ice cream, chips... find ones that you enjoy. or, preportion out regular ones, and simply have those (which for most things is what I do).