Looking for MFP Friends with Similar Goals!

Hello! My name is Emerald and I am not new to weight loss by any means, but have recently become chronically ill over the last two years and have re-gained a significant portion of my previously lost weight (I had lost about 95lbs around 2013). I now need to lose 80-100lbs after becoming sedentary and de-conditioned as well as allowing my diet to become poor as COVID restrictions became the norm. Due to my chronic illness I was forced to stop working two years ago and went from being active and on my feet all day to playing Skyrim until the wee hours of the morning. Well, I'm still as in love with Skyrim as ever, but I am ready to regain control over my health to the best of my ability. I am looking for other MFP members to become friends with who have similar challenges or goals, or just generally other members to cheer on and build a small online community of positivity with. I will also be getting a Garmin Venu SQ in the next week and would also like Garmin Connect friends in the future to complete challenges with! So, if you have physical disabilities/Chronic illness (I will list some of mine below and see if we face some of the same issues), have a significant portion of weight you need to lose (50+lbs) and would like a virtual buddy along the way, or just generally would like to make friends on MFP, please send me a friend request. I would be delighted!

I have a few pesky chronic conditions, but the most debilitating and the one that caused me to stop working was Dysautonomia, specifically POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) which is a condition where my autonomic nervous system is wonky and causes my heart rate to spike outrageously when I stand up, but my blood pressure to TANK and therefore I pass out. A lot. Every day, actually. I am doing a specific exercise program called The Levine/CHOP protocol to gradually build myself up to be able to workout standing up. Currently I have to exercise in a recumbent position at all time, or risk keeling over. I'd love to make friends with other people potentially following that protocol!

Other conditions we may have in common are Hpermobile Ehler's-Danlos Syndrome (hEDS), Gastroparesis, a Pituitary Adenoma, and Hypothyroidism.

I know that was a lot for an introduction, but I really do succeed better with friends in tow and others to cheer on and be motivated by. Great getting to know you, and hope to be friends soon!


  • skiextrm
    skiextrm Posts: 144 Member
    Hi Esmerald! I am interested in becoming friends. I used to know how to do a Friend Requesy, but now can't figure it out! Can you send me a request? I'm 69 with some medical issues, including fibromyalgia, hypothyroid, arthritis, and recovering from 2 bouts of cancer. I'd love a new friend. Hope to hear from you!