Seeking Motivation

Hello my name is Evan. I have been using MyFitnessPall for a long time. I have had some success but because I started at such a huge weight, I'm still really struggling. There are several factors here recently that have really motivated me to really start again and this time stick with it. I have other factors that contribute to the weight issues. To handle with some of these things I have been using overeating for years. It is so hard to stop right now. I'm trying to set small goals but then I start to think I'm not doing enough so I try to do more, and end up failing. I'm trying to get the other issues under control to limit some of the emotional eating but that in and off itself is very hard to do. I guess i've just been using this alone, and thought that maybe if I reached out for support I might do better. Just wandering if anyone would want to become support partners because I could use all the motivation and support I can get right now. Anyway I guess that's it, feel free to message me or friend me. Thanks


  • jlovat04
    jlovat04 Posts: 2 Member
    Emotional eating is a hard habit to break. I was an emotional eater but was finally able to break the cycle. I was able to find other ways to deal with the stress. You’re on the right track man. Small goals are important. Take the wins when you can no matter how big or small. I’m almost a 100lbs down. It’s taken a long time to shed all this weight. But take your time and build good habits. Get disciplined and stay consistent. You got it.
  • PatDMuddle
    PatDMuddle Posts: 27 Member
    Yes please, I would love to join with you, support and encourage you and anyone else here that is willing to have me.

    I'm in a desperately bad place atm myself, very similar story to your own.

    I'm 64 yo so not great with this problematic app 😔.

    Tell me what I can do, to help you and to be involved please.

    Good luck and let's do this!
