Miss the 30 day shred!

Jerzeebabie04 Posts: 272
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
The past 2 months I have been so overwhelmed with finishing the semester at school, buying a house, and working 2 jobs that I totally let my eatting and exercising habits slip. I felt that I had no time to do anything because I would barely get any sleep between the 2 jobs and would be exhausted. Well 2 months later here I am I gained 7 lbs (out of the 27lbs I originally lost) back and I feel terrible! I have been so unhappy lately, feeling depressed about how I look and how my life is going. When I finally sat back and thought of the last time I was happy with my life I realized it was when I was eatting right and doing the 30 day shred everyday. I could feel and see such a difference. Now of course working out and eatting right isn't going to change my situation with working too much and with the new semester starting soon for school, but maybe it will give me a little more energy and allow me to feel happy again.

Who would have thought I'd MISS Jillian kicking my butt?!?! And what a difference that video made in my life... I could run for a few minutes without getting out of breath! Now walking up 3 flights of steps in the parking garage gets me out of breath!

So I decided I want to be happy again, not for anyone but myself and I want to feel good again. So tomorrow I'm going food shopping and getting all healthy stuff back in the house, throwing all the other crap out, and Monday (7/26) I'm starting the 30 day shred again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    How did it work for you the first time around? I started MFP and the 30 day shred last Monday 7/19 and lost 5.4 lbs this week. I am so happy with the results and want to keep it up. Jillian definately kicks your butt, but when you start seeing results it is well worth it.
  • squoozyq
    squoozyq Posts: 305
    Good for you for coming back...knowing is half the battle. You were able to recall how good you felt and are going to make you a priority! I think that's brave, girl!
  • I did really well the first time around with the 30 day shred. The first week was disappointing, I didn't lose or gain, but I could feel a difference. I lost a lot of inches from doing the shred and that really made all the difference. My clothes fit so much better and I wasn't as concerned about the number on the scale. A few days into level 3 I hurt my knee and it was very difficult to finish the level. Jillian definitely does kick your butt and in the beginning I felt like I would NEVER make it through level 1, but I'd modify some parts until I could do them better, modify and work your way up. I did 10 days on each level but it's important to work at your own pace, Jillian just wants people to stick to a level until it's too easy for them (which believe me you can feel the difference even if some parts of a level kick your butt you'll still be able to tell when that level isn't doing it for you anymore)

    And I really like some of her other videos too and can't wait to do them the whole way through. I'm going to start 30 day shred and when I finish it I want to do her 30 day slim down plan which incorporates the shred and her 2 other good videos.

    MFP is great, a lot of people on here are very supportive and it's nice having people for motivation and support. And it's really great to see others doing well on here and sharing ideas, recipes, and health/fitness information.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    You hurt your knee? How strange, I hurt mine the other day and have been having a hard time ever since. My husband wants me to take the week off from "Shredding" and do other activities.... its hard because I feel like nothing is a work out after working with Jillian. I want to get the other videos as well. Add me, we can push eachother to shred. :happy:
  • Yes I hurt my knee during level 3, I think it was the type of shoes I was wearing or maybe the floor. But I know exactly what you mean... other workouts don't seem as tough unless they are with Jillian! She can be a bit annoying after awhile but she definitely knows her stuff.
  • d0m_d0mxD
    d0m_d0mxD Posts: 4
    eurghh....i totally know how you feel.
    i stopped loosing weight like last year ago...around april...ive gained like 8 kgs back...so im considering my self lucky! ive started exercising again and eating well, so im just glad am gettin back in to it..well done to u though :) it only took u 2 months, to get back in to it...where as it took me like, a year and couple of months! im planning to start the 30 day shred...did u loose much weight with it? because i heard people loose inches rather than weight...?

    thanks ;D
  • I can totally see why you are back on Jillian's bandwagon! I bought it a few weeks ago and was going to toss it in my mix of morning routines. I hadn't planned on doing it EVERYDAY because I thought I'd get bored with it and fall of the wagon. I try to mix up my routine with the same 4 plans just vary the days. But I think I'm going to get Jillian in everyday (well 5 days a week, because I do take 2 days off) and see how it works. I know there are other boards that have set up 30 day challenged but they are already in progress.

    Hopefully it's just what's needed!!
  • squoozyq
    squoozyq Posts: 305
    We totally need a support group for Jillian Michaels junkies.
  • I agree! I mean don't get me wrong she does get on my nerves after a few days... when I can pretty much repeat every word she is going to say before she says it and in the same tone of voice. But when I haven't done her workouts in awhile I actually miss how she kicks my butt!
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