Looking for support, care and encouragement

I'm not new new, just looking for support, care and encouragement, and people to stick by me and not give up on me.

I have a slu of health issues, I've tried MFP, for a bit now, and just don't stick to it, people say do it for u, but, again for me, in order to do it, I need support, encouragement and care.

I have

-Congential Hydrocephalus
-Retinaopathy of Prematurity
-2 L5 S1 Discectomies
-Chronic Knee, and Ankle Pain
-Rhematoid Arthritis
-Osteo Arthritis
-Groin Pain

I would like to start going back to the gym, I just don't have the motivation to go.

Any support, care, encouragement would be appreciated