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To Developer: Vendor Request

vancegilbert Posts: 1 Member
My company, Digital Streamlining Unlimited, is in the customer service business, and occasionally we do independent customer service audits to see if companies can actually comply with the Human Rights Act of Canada, and actually accommodate disabled Canadians for their disabilities.

I would like to request that your company try a new process to allow disabled Canadians with specific disabilities more use of your product with less hassle, and allow you a tax break under the law:

Allow people suffering from Alzheimer's Disease and/or mobility difference issues the ability to use your product ad-free, relieving the near-sighted or bi-focal wearing audience the relief of not seeing something that doesn't need to be paid attention to, and allow them to actually check their healthy weight state, and see if it actually assists in these disabilities, and use it as an example of product sponsored research based upon tax donations. You can get a medical certificate from the customer and have someone like Google keep track of it online and use it as part of their ad database to help you submit their accounts to the government for charitable contributions to the disabled community.

I would like to see the government start assisting people with disabilities like Alzheimer's disease, and allow for free product use, mostly because they're never going to remember an ad to begin with, and any company that sells 20 of their products to one person with Alzheimer's disease needs to be regulated out of business.

The person with Alzheimer's disease won't remember it, but anyone who watches their loved one get abused by a salesman would. The reverse is also true, giving a break to the disabled community will be remembered BY the disabled community, and they have not had a whole lot to be proud of during this pandemic of full hospitals.
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