Please Help

iraqveteran24 Posts: 2
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
I am a 24 year old single mother of a 22 month old. I am also a disabled Iraq war veteran and struggle with terrible anxiety as a result of post-traumatic stress. My daughter and I live alone and I'm a full-time student. Needless to say I am incredibly stressed and run-down but I hold it together for my daughter's sake. When I was pregnant I went from 154 lbs to 222 lbs. Within a few months after giving birth I dropped down to 165 because I had NO appetite. Then I started getting stressed about being a new mom and turned to food. Now my daughter is almost 2 and I am averaging 176 lbs. I have been yo-yo dieting since she was born and I am so sick of it. I'm really trying to turn my life around for the better and focus on ME for once so I can be the best mom possible. Everything is slowly falling into place, but I know I need to get serious about losing weight. If I don't do it now and make the (lifelong!) commitment, I don't think I ever will. When I was down to 165 lbs during my daughter's 1st year I had a bunch of pictures of me and her. This past year, at 176, I hardly have any. I'm always behind the camera now. I'm on the right track...eating between 1200-1600 calories a day, working out 4-6 days a week, but I'm so worried I'll fall of the wagon again. By the time I put my daughter to bed at night all I want to do is sit on the couch, watch a movie, and eat a pint of chocolate peanut butter cup ice cream. It's like my unhealthy reward for getting through the day. A friend told me about this website and I'm hoping it can help me because I really need to do this...ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!!!!!!! Any help/support/motivation would be greatly appreciated =)


  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    Welcome to MFP this is a great site, full of information and support. You will find a group here in Motivation that is sure to fit your age and fitness level. We are all here as members of a healthy lifestyle community. Welcome to the neighborhood.

    :flowerforyou: Alice
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    Stay on here and I think you'll be just fine :wink: . Maybe you should find a healthy reward for getting through the day, such as a smoothie or a healthy ice cream that seems like it is bad for you, but it's really not.. You could also take your child for a walk where you'll burn some calories and then you'll have a cushion for a little bit of that unhealthy reward.
  • dansdeb
    dansdeb Posts: 164
    WOW - what a load you are trying to balance. First, thank you for your service to our country. Second, you are now a MOM and it sounds like you are getting things lined up. You have to remember that the choices you make now affect both you and your daughter. so healthy life styles are important and it sounds like you are doing that! This is a wonderful site for support and great ideas to help you keep the healthy life style you are chosing.

    Take one day at a time and remember you are not alone in your quest to loose weight and balance all of life's problems. There are many days when we all just want to sit down at the end of the day and bury ourselves in some kind of decadent food! Keep a healthy snack alternative handy and remember what your goal isl

    Good luck and again thank you :)
  • HealthyKt78
    HealthyKt78 Posts: 439
    Well first of all, thank you for fighting for our country!! I have a couple friends and a cousin in the armed forces. I admire everything they do. Luckily they haven't been sent to the war zone (yet).

    You can definitely do this. There are lots of exercises you can do with your daughter since she old enough to be up walking around. Take her to the park and play on the playground WITH her. It's fun and you'll burn a few calories. I'm sure you can do this. I'm having a lot of trouble with the late night eating too. We can help each other.
  • tcam70455
    tcam70455 Posts: 128 Member
    Welcome to MFP, and thank you so much for your service to our country. You will find this site easy to use and full of support. You may find blogging in the evening may help relieve some of the stress from all you do. Like some previous posters said, maybe you can enjoy fat-free or low-fat ice cream or yogurt in the evening. I've turned to watermelon and canteloupe, but it doesn't always satisfy the craving for something creamy. You already have started making some great choices with food. Enjoy a walk with your daughter or even just playing with her. Feel free to friend me.
  • dfwtxmissy
    dfwtxmissy Posts: 102
    Lots of support here. When I over eat, I know I am going to get a reality check from this site and it helps alot.
  • Well sweetheart you are at the right place..Take a deep breath and just know you can do anything you set your mind to do..look at what you ve already are a wonderful mother to you precious dont need to turn to food to ease your mind turn to other things that make you happy..and find your happy place...For me I walk every morning for 30 just cleanses my soul..I work in my flower garden and of course I love to shop..what I mean is for you to find what makes you feel special, paint your nails, shave your legs, just find things to reward yourself with..
    I have been heavy all my life so trust me..I have lost and gained more than I can tell you..but the best thing I have found is keeping a log daily of the food you eat..It helps you stay on track...I have faith in you..I know you can do this..I am so proud of go girl.. I am Army brat..My Dad served for 25 years..I have seen all he went through..You make my heart smile...You can do this..We are all your support group..I will keep you in my prayers... Blessings Cindy
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    Welcome to this site and thank you for your service to our country! You are a hero, both to American citizens and your daughter. You will find an endless amount of support here. Join a challenge, keep reading the posts, log everything.

    For the evenings, I find I stay away from food after my girls go to bed by brushing my teeth with them. Then I still collapse on the couch after a long day, but with my cup of water instead of a binge-food. I also have a "rule" about not eating past 8:00 p.m. It just makes it easier for me to stay away from food at that hour.

    Good luck! Glad to have you here!
  • Home6
    Home6 Posts: 208 Member
    Welcome to the site, from one disabled vet to another! I know how stressful it can get with kids (I have a 3 year old and a 1 1/2 year old), and after I put them to bed, it is ME time! :) But you have come to the right place to get motivation, support, and the occasional kick in the 4th point of contact. Please add me as a friend if you want to! And welcome again!
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    Yell if you need help or just a pick me up. It is not easy in the beginning, but once you get going, losing weight is pretty easy!
  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    You are making a great first step! Welcome and best of luck to you. I'm not a vet, but I am a mom and a student so I totally understand the need for me time. I often veg and watch movies after she's gone to bed, before her dad gets home, I just try to keep it to just the movie, no ice cream! Lol! I do often snack on popcorn or chips and salsa at those times, but they are lower fat and calories and you can portion them into a serving if you are afraid you might go overboard. you can get control of your life and your habit, keep it up!
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