New here

Hi! I'm new and would love to here anyone's stories of getting started. I haven't dieted for years because my little ones kept me thin. Now nothing else I've tried works on my over 40 body! I've lost 3 pounds so far, but it's been hard work. Hope I can keep it up!


  • sdscouser
    sdscouser Posts: 320
    I am sure you will keep thingds up. You have come to a great place.
  • eeelastic9
    eeelastic9 Posts: 24
    I'm afraid I don't have the most inspirational story of how I started, but the best advice I can give you is if you fall of the horse, get right back on it! I've been trying to lose weight on and off for about 3 years, and I go through phases of doing really well and doing, well, not so great. So just remember when you realize you've started to slack off on exercise or you aren't eating as healthily as you should be, bring yourself back. It may take longer than if you just cold turkey maintain a new life style, but at least you'll get there.
  • MakeLifeBright
    I don't have a real fascinating story.. I just have been overweight for 6 years.
    I HAD to get Healthy for myself, and so that my daughter has her Mommy.
    Don't think of this as a diet, but a healthy New Lifestyle.
    You can acheive all that you want. This is a great place to get support =0)
  • nancyggg
    nancyggg Posts: 96 Member

    I am sure you will find your way. there are so many good programs out there. But a lot of bad ones too. THe most important thing is to decide to make a lifestyle change and incorporate healthy foods into your diet. Try to cut back on processed foods.(my downfall) and if you can fresh fruits and veggies. IF not then go to frozen.
    If you want to friend me then we can help motivate each other.
