1200 calorie attack plans?



  • LorienCoffeeBean
    LorienCoffeeBean Posts: 227 Member
    im 5'7" , 170 lbs (goal 135) and at 1200 cals. i eat back most of my exercise calories if not all. i go over my calories sometimes and don't stress about it either. my dr told me that between 1200 - 1500 is a good range for me.

    i eat a lot of fruit and veggies, fish and chicken. i dont find it hard unless im trying to fit junk food in. i do manage to fit in ice cream with enough frequency to make me quite happy :)
    my usual day is a smoothie (fruit, veg, protein powder, etc) for breakfast.
    salad with chicken or tuna and lots of different veg for lunch or lettuce wraps, cheese and fruit for lunch.
    i cook "normally" for dinner as i have three kids to feed as well. i make a meat, a veg, and a starch. i fill my plate with 1/3 meat and 2/3 veg. i dont usually eat the starch, occasionally i will have a small portion.
  • slim4health56
    slim4health56 Posts: 439 Member
    Welcome! Track how you do very carefully in the next month...that 1200 limit can backfire, especially if you're exercising. Having said that, I use it as my base and did well the first month, then stopped losing and even gained a few back. I switched to low carb about two weeks ago and it's been close to a miracle. I'm losing from 1/4 to 1/2 lb every day which, given my age and metabolism, is very satisfying. PLUS, less cravings, more energy, and more satisfaction from the food I eat. Listen to your body - don't starve yourself - drink LOTS of water - and don't take anyone's advice (including mine) as the only way to lose weight or improve your health. However, I will say that you might want to do a little research of your own on the issue of insulin and this hormone's impact on weight (loss or gain). Good luck!

    Yesterday's menu was two eggs, 3 slices of bacon, a half piece of rye bread, and Spicy V8 juice for breakfast; 6 oz of turkey pastrami on one slice of rye bread, and more Spicy V8 and 3 dill pickles. Dinner was 6 oz grilled chicken breast with squash and tomatoes; my snack was a full cantaloupe from my garden with a little salt.
  • tjthegreatone
    I'm 5'9 and 1200 a day sounds bonkers :noway:
    I would ease your goal back to 0.5 to 1lb a week (what's the rush?) and eat more.
    Most women seem to be satisfied on somewhere between 1500-2000 a day so that might be more realistic and allow you to eat in a less restricted fashion.
    Or you could workout more...
  • sydneyplainjane
    sydneyplainjane Posts: 140 Member
    I started out here on about 1200 almost two weeks ago. That seemed incredibly low to me, so it kind of forced me to work out in order to "earn" more food. Still I was hungry most of the time, especially days when I didn't have time to exercise (I've got about a hundred pounds to lose, though, so 1200 was probably just too low for me anyway). I would definitely recommend one of the other calculators, though. I tried a few and they all had about the same result - TDEE of about 2300-2400, and BMR in the 1800 range. I do feel better with 1700-1800 cals per day, with about 30 minutes of exercise. I think I've lost about 6 pounds since I started. So, yeah, definitely try the calculator.