Recipes vs ingredients

I added a recipe to MFP, and it calculated 30g total carbs. However, when I look up each individual ingredient in MFP using the same measurements as the recipe, my calculations total 20.3. Anyone know why this discrepancy?


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Did you import the recipe? There are numerous entries in the database for different ingredients. When you import a recipe, the import function is just picking one of numerous entries which may or may not be a correct entry. When you import you have to go through each ingredient to ensure that the import actually pulled in a correct entry. Even when entering manually, you need to vet the entry you are picking. Database entries are crowdsourced from other uses and there are numerous bad entries in the database.
  • Kaetheb
    Kaetheb Posts: 16 Member
    Yep, that's it. Thanks!