New to Premium

I’m new to the Premium plan. I love all the options it can help me track- high protein, low carb, macros, the list goes on. The problem- how do I know which one I should choose?


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    There is no universally optimal macro ratio and macros in and of themselves really don't have much of anything to do with weight loss or weight management in general...that is dictated by calories. People generally choose their macro ratios based on fitness performance, body composition goals, satiety, presence of disease, etc. As weight loss goes, there's nothing magical about any of them.

    For example, an endurance athlete like a marathon runner or endurance cyclist is more likely to thrive performance wise on a relatively high carbohydrate diet. A strength athlete is likely going to thrive on a high protein diet...someone who has diabetes is likely to do better with a lower carbohydrate diet...and on and on and on. Some people are more satiated with a very low carb, high fat diet...some are more satiated with a high carbohydrate diet that is high in complex carbohydrates with lots of fiber...some people are more satiated with high levels of protein.

    This is really a trial and error kind of thing to see what best suits you and your performance needs, health needs, satiety needs, and all around how you like to eat. If a macro ratio doesn't really jive with the way you like to eat and doesn't meat your other needs, it's all pretty much moot because there will be no sustainability or consistency.