I'm not new, but new 🤦‍♀️

I'm having a really hard time staying motivated to work out and eat healthy daily. I want to lose 30 more pounds, but I struggle. I run to food when I get stressed or depressed. Any advice for staying motivated? #TiredOfBeingTheFatGirl


  • Ellevated
    Ellevated Posts: 192 Member
    Hi CandiJean83. This is quite a common problem so please know that you're not alone. Motivation is not something that lasts for anyone; it naturally ebbs and flows. It's something that can be cultivated, though. I am reminded of this quote:

    “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing, that’s why we recommend it daily.”

    -Zig Ziglar

    And once you start to form new habits, it becomes easier to just do something.

    The best, most practical, tip I can give you for not running to food when you feel stressed or depressed is to plan your meals ahead, at least by 24 hours. This bypasses the more primal part of the brain that lives in the moment and is more concerned about seeking pleasure and avoiding pain in the present than in the future (ie. your longer term health goals). And when we're hungry and unprepared, we can impulsively reach for the kind of food that undermines our intentions. But if you habitually turn to food because of uncomfortable emotions, the emotions themselves need addressing, as well as finding better self-soothing coping mechanisms in the meantime. (I say this as someone who has recovered from binge eating disorder.)

    Best of luck with your goals! Feel free to reach out if you like. Always happy to add more MFP friends.
  • Ellevated
    Ellevated Posts: 192 Member
    PS. I forgot to mention: One thing you can do for getting motivated is to change your state. Your mind responds to your physiology and vice versa. You could put some upbeat music on and sing along, or you could become aware of your posture and change it. (How would the motivated version of you be standing/sitting, etc? What would their facial expression be?) Also, listen to your inner monologue. What's it saying? What would it be saying if you were motivated? Say that to yourself instead. I usually find saying it outloud in a dramatic voice helps. 😆