flabby arm prob??



  • dawn_h_d
    dawn_h_d Posts: 184 Member
    I have HORRID flabby arms, but considering I have a long ways to go to even get close to my goal, I am going to start targeting specific areas once I get closer. Good luck to you.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    I have very flabby arms. All I can do is lift weights and give it time. Fat is like a cat: it does what it wants. They do bother the hell out of me, but I'm living with them since I'm doing what I can to reduce them (calorie deficit, working out, lift weights).
  • I am following an 8 minutes arm exercise vdo from Youtube and lets see how it works :blushing:
  • Rogiefreida
    Rogiefreida Posts: 567 Member

    Arm Sleeve!

    this will not reduce batwings, sorry. I wear one on my right arm due to lymphedema and I promise you that after nearly a year in it, my arms are the same size.

    OP, lift heavy. Eat good. Give it time. Arms take FOREVER to firm up, in my experience.

    Or you could try my latest endeavor in arm shape up: crutches. I broke my ankle in every way possible 6 weeks ago and will be on crutches for a couple more months. My triceps are definitely showing improvement. :wink:
  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    Well, I still have some arm flab but it's been greatly reduced by lifting heavier weights. I do chest, shoulder, incline, and decline presses, rows, tricep extensions, and lateral pulls for my arms every other day and I do cardio daily and I've noticed a huge difference.
  • mdn15
    mdn15 Posts: 145
    I had that problem. Major "bat wings". As you can see from my photo, I managed to change it. I devote 1 hour of arm lifting (curl, dips, tricep extension, etc) at heavy weights. I know my "flab" is still in my arms but my muscles have made it less pronounced. I do this about 3x week.

    My weight loss also helped because I know I could not spot reduce. If only I could.... I would be doing 3000 sit ups a day... I have now accepted my post pregnancy belly (3 pregnancy) as a badge of honor.
  • krc99080
    krc99080 Posts: 147 Member
    Ah yes, what I love to refer to as my genetic arm flab. Both of my grandmother's had terribly flabby arms so I'm thinking I'm stuck with it. I can tone it some probably, but I think a little will always remain.
  • Ah yes, what I love to refer to as my genetic arm flab. Both of my grandmother's had terribly flabby arms so I'm thinking I'm stuck with it. I can tone it some probably, but I think a little will always remain.
    think its same to me too! its heredity problem i guess!
  • MicheleWE
    MicheleWE Posts: 179 Member
    I agree that you have to lift weights and do multiple exercises to use those muscles from different angles. So, you also want to be doing exercises that work your back and chest because all those muscles connect. I lost 85 lbs and had little pockets of extra skin but now that I lift weights they are quite reduced. It does take time and consistency. I've got a three month progression picture on my profile and when I took the first one I had already been weight lifting for a month. My profile picture was taken after about 7 months of heavy lifting.
  • Connie5674
    Connie5674 Posts: 21 Member
    I have the same problem - and what's worse, I cannot even do 1 lb weights or any exercises to bulk up the part that I can because of a screwed up nerve in my neck/shoulder caused by neck surgery 3 years ago.
  • I agree that you have to lift weights and do multiple exercises to use those muscles from different angles. So, you also want to be doing exercises that work your back and chest because all those muscles connect. I lost 85 lbs and had little pockets of extra skin but now that I lift weights they are quite reduced. It does take time and consistency. I've got a three month progression picture on my profile and when I took the first one I had already been weight lifting for a month. My profile picture was taken after about 7 months of heavy lifting.
    my arms are 12 inches each!that ridiculous with my 28 inches waist! i am trying the biceps triceps exercises for 1 months and lets see what results it brings :smile:
    btw i am a total procrastinator...:( no patience at all :cry:
  • meganfoster12
    meganfoster12 Posts: 411 Member
    I had that problem and I started lifting heavier and it has helped alot!!!!!!
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    You can't spot reduce. Keep losing weight and it will come off where it does. Just like there's no "I wanna make my belly go away!" exercises.

    Lose fat and consider lifting heavy.

    Google: New Rules of Lifting for Women, Starting Strength, and Stronglifts 5x5.

    This^^ And you need to lift heavy to retain muscle mass. I'm guessing you're female, so building muscle is going to be EXTREMELY hard. I'm also guessing you're eating at a deficit, so it will be even harder (next to impossible) to gain appreciable muscle mass. You lift to maintain muscle so once the fat is gone you uncover it.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I agree that you have to lift weights and do multiple exercises to use those muscles from different angles. So, you also want to be doing exercises that work your back and chest because all those muscles connect. I lost 85 lbs and had little pockets of extra skin but now that I lift weights they are quite reduced. It does take time and consistency. I've got a three month progression picture on my profile and when I took the first one I had already been weight lifting for a month. My profile picture was taken after about 7 months of heavy lifting.
    i am trying the biceps triceps exercises for 1 months and lets see what results it brings :smile:

    Bi and tri exercises won't make the fat leave the arm area. The body takes from where it wants. This is still trying to "spot reduce" IMHO.

    Don't get me wrong, lifting is great, but it's not going to make your body lose from the area you work.
  • PippiNe
    PippiNe Posts: 283 Member
    Another cardio recommendation is Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. I'm 40 years old and had typical "Mom" arms when I started: (big all around, no definition and the flabby underside when I'd wave.) The 30 Day Shred workout only takes 30 minutes to do, but it combines both cardio and strength training. It will help burn away your fat while strengthening your muscle. You do need to stick to your MFP calorie limit too, (no exercise alone will burn away all your fat).

    My arms are not perfect now, but I have distinct muscle definition in my shoulders, biceps and triceps. The underarm jiggle has lessened greatly and I am in hopes that with continued weight loss and exercise that it will soon be gone.
  • LittleAngelamj
    LittleAngelamj Posts: 43 Member
    I have that same problem, but since I've lost a few pounds, they are slowly getting smaller. Just hang in there and keep up with the cardio and weight training. Eventually it will tighten up.. at least thats what I'm hoping...LOL
  • 1longroad
    1longroad Posts: 642 Member
    My arm wings are my secret weapon! Believe me, if anyone tries to grab me from behind,I can knock them out, no problem!! ;-)
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    You can strengthen an area, but you can't spot reduce. Lose the overall body fat %.
  • I would say keep working out your arms, add some weights to the workout! I use 3lb dumbells (6lbs total) while working out my arms. The more weight I add the more I tone and shape my arms. It might take you a while to see results, but if you're consistent enough you'll shed the flab! Good luck!!
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I agree that you have to lift weights and do multiple exercises to use those muscles from different angles. So, you also want to be doing exercises that work your back and chest because all those muscles connect. I lost 85 lbs and had little pockets of extra skin but now that I lift weights they are quite reduced. It does take time and consistency. I've got a three month progression picture on my profile and when I took the first one I had already been weight lifting for a month. My profile picture was taken after about 7 months of heavy lifting.
    my arms are 12 inches each!that ridiculous with my 28 inches waist! i am trying the biceps triceps exercises for 1 months and lets see what results it brings :smile:
    btw i am a total procrastinator...:( no patience at all :cry:

    For..1...month....ummm..try 3-6 months before giving up. And with reps remember -

    1-5 reps focuses on strength
    6-12 focuses on hypertrophy (which is probably want you want to be doing)
    13+ endurance

    And keep pushing yourself to go heavier.
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