Postpartum support?

Hi there. I'm a first time mom and still carrying over 10kgs of baby+lockdown weight. Can you relate to needing to prioritize your health and fitness while also having very little downtime and sleep? Any tips for quick meals? Please can we be fitness buddies? Thanks šŸ˜Š Take care


  • Lhenderson923
    Lhenderson923 Posts: 102 Member
    I am a mom to a 13 month old! I lost all of my pregnancy weight (I gained a scary 60lbs!) by watching my calorie intake and trying to get out for a walk daily. It didn't always happen, especially with the little downtime. Since I was breastfeeding I had the extra challenge of balancing my supply with my deficit, but luckily my supply wasn't impacted unless I went below 1500-1600 calories. I am 15 weeks pregnant now, and I am trying much harder to control my weight gain this time around. As soon as the weather warms up, I'll be taking my daily walks again and trying to get outside as much as possible. I am not sure how old your child is, but if they are not walking, it will be so much easier to do once they are! My quick meal go-to's are often eggs (in all forms), fajitas, burrito bowls, and pre-cooked meats like chicken sausage or veggies burgers. The crock pot is also my friend for soups and chili. Feel free to send me a friend request!
  • AlexEllaK
    AlexEllaK Posts: 28 Member
    Hey Iā€™m a mum of two little boys one of which is 3 months old, I have over 14lbs to loose so very much at the start of my fitness journey. My go to meals are things stirfrys with loads of veggies. Getting out on walks is always great as well as baby can sleep while you get some exercise in. Finding balance is always hard though.