Stop getting so MANY notifications

Ok. I DO want notifications for replies to posts that I'm actively following, but I'm getting tons of notifications for posts that I no longer wish to follow. Is there anyway to stop getting some of those notifications? How do I unfollow a specific board without completely disabling all notifications?


  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 9,047 Member
    You may have flagged the posts. Unflag them here. Blue/red means following, white means not.


    Also go in to Privacy>notifications and update what you want notifications for.

    If someone mentions you by name, ie @SunshineFlGirl youll also get a notification by clicking here on your profile pic:

    I’ve disabled notifications and simply flag the threads I want to follow and click there. It’s not necessary to unfollow convos because as they drop down the list, they “die” anyway.
  • Cat0703a
    Cat0703a Posts: 17,577 Member
    @SunshineFlGirl you may wish to check your notification preferences and bookmark the ones you want to follow but turn off the one that is every discussion you’ve participated in. Then you just need to remember to bookmark what interests you and unbookmark when you are done.

  • SunshineFlGirl
    SunshineFlGirl Posts: 200 Member
    AWESOME! Thank you