1st week completed and......

I lost 6lb, absolutely thrilled !


  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,283 Member
    edited March 2022
    That’s awesome!

    Just a heads up, and not to be a killjoy. But I wish someone had told me this when I started. I wouldn’t have been so depressed or felt like such a failure initially.

    Many people experience a large loss their first week or two, followed by a gain.

    This is perfectly normal and should be expected.

    Your body is getting used to sudden changes you’ve thrown at it. It’s like a little kid riding without training wheels the first time. You’ll wobble this way and that before you find your balance and ride (sorta) confidently into the sunset.

    Our favorite saying in these parts is Weight Loss is Not Linear.

    Hang in there for at least six weeks, and be patient with the yoyo. If you do keep the six off, don’t expected it to be six every week. Or even every month, for that matter.

    Read these boards religiously and ask questions. I got so much support and learned so much here.

    Modern culture gives us insanely high expectations and many people quit in frustration because it’s not fast, or they gained a few “back”.

    Give it time. It does work. Just not like we expect or demand it to.

    Living breathing proof, right here, baby!

    Much success to you. (I never wish folks luck. Luck doesn’t come in to it at all!)
  • fatty2begone
    fatty2begone Posts: 249 Member
    Awesome Job!

    Lost 10 pounds 1st month. Just experienced my 1st weight gain 1.5lbs, and scale is moving down again today.

    Newbee here so, I am taking the wisdom of all the "winners" as above post states. It works, just need to trust the science and not the scale.