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Track daily servings of fruit and veggies

One of my main health goals is to improve the number of servings of fruits and veggies I eat each day. I would love it if MFP would show and track that number (i.e. 3 servings of fruit, 4 servings of veg, etc.) Of course I can look at my diary and calculate it myself for a given day, but I'd find it more useful and motivating to be able to automatically track it over time, similar to nutrients. Thank you for considering!
12 votes

Open for Voting · Last Updated


  • HammerBlue
    HammerBlue Posts: 1 Member
    I would like this if it even just followed the current water tracking functionality, with reporting enabled on it.
  • Nova
    Nova Posts: 9,960 MFP Staff
    Thanks, that's a great idea! We will share it with our team!!
  • chuck27p
    chuck27p Posts: 2 Member
    I'm searching for this functionality. Maybe just a goal or something like "water" that I can enter manually, so when I eat a serving I can click "1 serving" and at the end of the day I can see that I have 5 servings of veggies and 3 of fruit. This would be immensely helpful.