Got a suggestion on how to improve MyFitnessPal? Share it in this category or vote to tell us what you think of other people’s suggestions. Please be sure to review the Feature Suggestion submissions guidelines.

Acknowledge intermittent & extended fasting

Currently how MFP is configured, if we don't consume anything over a 24hr fast, when we submit our day we get a warning that we are not eating enough food. With all the reasons etc on why we are being bad.

I really want to keep using the app to record my daily water intake. There are fasting protocols that call for only an intake of only 500 calories in a day. Or extended fasts of 36, 42, 48, 72 etc that have shown great benefits...

The app has all the data of when we consume food and it really knows how long we fast... would be nice to be able to track this information for our benefit...
5 votes

Open for Voting · Last Updated