New(ish) and looking for friends!

Hello! I've had MFP for about a month and a half now, but this is my first venture into the forums, which are a bit intimidating to me. My name is Amy, and I'm 27 years old, and have been overweight pretty much since high school. (Long story short, I grew really fast as a kid, to where I was about 5'10" by fifth grade, and I had to eat a lot to keep up. My mom said after that I stopped growing 'up', kept eating, and started growing 'out' instead.) Food has always been a comfort thing for me and a coping mechanism, especially in the last 3+ years or so when I was going through a divorce. Within the last couple months, I finally made the decision to really buckle down and try to lose weight again. I think this is the best I've done in a long time, and I've tried calorie counting and such before, it's never worked this well.

Anyway! I'm looking to lose at least 100lbs, or that's my current big goal. As of today, I'm down 19.4lbs. I'd really love to add some friends on here who also have big weight loss goals like mine. Bonus points if you like to share recipes; I love to cook but enjoy finding recipes that are either proportioned for one person, or make for good leftovers.

Thanks for reading! <3