Looking for 55+ "Dailey Loggers and Commenters" True MFP Friends

I have been with MFP for a number of years and it can be difficult to find a "few good friends". I am not an Iron Man, trying to body build with speaking a lot of hype lingo.

I am a 68 year old, Air Force retire, married male who maintains about 15 MFP friends. I keep the number small, because it is what I can maintain on a personal and affirming level, without endless and often meaningless comment "Likes".

I am not looking for Friend Collectors, rather, for good friends who log in daily and are willing to develop daily relationships by affirming comments and wall "hello(s)" now and then. Weight loss is important, but only by a lifestyle and diet that is lasting and methodical.

Please send me a Friend request if you are looking for the same sort of MFP Friend experience.