recipe editing

zubiedoobydoo Posts: 8 Member
hello, I took some foods I eat together and called it a recipe for easy logging. But now I can’t see my ingredients once I’ve saved it. Is there a way to go back and look inside of it if I need to confirm what I’m actually eating? For instance I make a homemade pizza sometimes on a protein crust, sometimes on a protein wrap. sometimes I use more or less meat so I want to be able to confirm. Thank you!


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,848 Member
    You can go into the Recipes area and look at the recipe.

    One option you could consider is adding some of your frequent combinations as a meal in MFP rather than a recipe. When you create a meal, and use it again, it brings in the whole set of ingredients to your diary, so you can delete some and modify quantities right from the diary page. Also, after you select a meal from the search list (in the phone/tablet app), but before you use the check-mark to add it to your diary, there's a drop down that lists what's in the meal, so you can check. That function isn't in the web version that way.

    If you wanted to, you could even create a giant meal with all your usual pizza toppings and crusts, delete the crusts you don't use after it's in your diary. Yet another option would be to have a pizza ingredients meal, then separate meals/recipes or line items for the crust types.

    For myself, I tend to use the recipe function only for things that are true recipes I use occasionally, like a cookie recipe; or for some one-off complicated dish that I'm dividing into multiple servings over a period of days (or dividing with other people). In the case of something like a cookie recipe, I'll look at it in Recipes and edit the ingredients if necessary, before I log any of a new batch of the cookies. For the other complicated-dish scenario, I usually put the date in the recipe title, and never log the recipe again after it's all eaten up.

    Another option is to be thoughtful in creating recipes, to use titles that are more clear, like "Pizza Mushrooms Pepperoni on Protein Wrap" or whatever. Usually, given how the sort/search work, I find it more useful (for finding them later) to name them with words in order that run from major category to minor, rather than how we'd talk about them in conversation. For example, I'd go with "Enchiladas black bean" instead of "Black Bean Enchiladas".
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