I love a Challenge - Beat me to 100 pounds off

edited March 2022 in Challenges
My goal is to lose 100 pounds , its not going to be over night but this is a start. I hear you can lose 100 pounds in one year . I am up for up who else would like to join me . i will post tips and the things i be doing . i will do what ever it take but the knife . People have lost weight we out going under the knife and I can too. watch me shrink


  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,244 Member
    hey. I also have 100lbs to drop. it won't let me send you a friend request so feel free to add me :)
  • YogaGirlTina
    YogaGirlTina Posts: 3 Member
    I have a bit more than 100 lbs to go. I've already lost 38, but would love to connect as I work on the next 100! Please feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Dianedoessmiles1
    Dianedoessmiles1 Posts: 12,610 Member
    Please please, you may not want to hear this, but I've lost 112 lbs so far, the first time I did exactly what you want to do (A LOT want to do) and LOSE IT FAST!!! BUT!! if we do not work the steps of so much more than "weight loss" 99% of people put it back on and more. RAISING MY HAND!! So than I redid things, and the next time I aimed for a pound in a year. It came off, so what if it took awhile to lose? After you lose the first 20 lbs you'll start to notice you feel already better, at the 30 lb loss that much so etc. So why be in a rush? To "look" good is great, but to truly take your time, address the why you gained it in the first place, to do this without being hungry and depriving oneself of the foods you really love (learning moderation and combing different foods, tonight I'll have a little bit of pizza, and a salad,, YUMMY pizza!! The salad is also good, together FANTASTIC and I am not going to be crazing pizza!). I've been around for 10 years, so what I write is what I've been through, more so I am a leader on the 5% Challenge (Members try to 5% of their weight in 8 weeks) and I've this over and over and over again. Lose fast, you'll be back, Lose slowly and you'll enjoy life a lot easier.

    If you'd like (Anyone here) to join us, we work on both exercising and healthy habits (Living The Good Life) such as drinking water, tracking, the importance of a healthy sleep routine etc.

    Here's the link to check us out:
  • YogaGirlTina
    YogaGirlTina Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you for responding! And I do agree with you about taking it off slowly. I have no need to take it off quickly. About 6 years back I lost over 250 lbs with diet and exercise, and I did it slowly. I then went through a drastic life change, and sunk into a depression, and gained over 100 back. I know what works for me, and how my body responds. Slowly and surely wins the race! Just looking for some people to connect with on the journey. :)
  • StacyStarling
    StacyStarling Posts: 3 Member
    I've got about 150 to lose, but doing it slowly! Already down 19, so baby steps! Feel free to add me as a friend!