Please will you help me?

I'm still struggling with my weakness for chocolate. I have eaten some today and I feel so horrible that I've failed AGAIN! So today is a new day and I am promising myself and you, I will not eat chocolate, sweets, junk food , ice cream or any other crap again until I have reached a healthy weight.

Some of you won't agree with me cutting it out completely as you believe in all things in moderation. I do understand why you say that but this doesn't work for me, so I have to cut it all out. The problem is I'm weak "a little bit won't hurt" does hurt, I eat too much then. So I make this promise today. Ice cream I can swap for sorbet or fruit juice lollies which I can do in moderation.

The problem is I don't really have anyone to answer too, if I eat chocolate in my mind "it doesn't matter I can have a little and start again tomorrow" So can I ask a really BIG favour please. Would someone please ask me every day for the next few weeks if I have kept my promise, ask me if I have abstained from chocolate. I know it will keep me in the straight and narrow if I have someone questioning me and nudging me to stay focused. If 10 of you do this every day for a few week I know it will get me few the first month or so and after that I can do it myself. I just need a little help.

I'd really appreciate your help with this, it will give me the strength to break free from chocolate and sweet cravings.

Thank you x


  • leadiax3
    leadiax3 Posts: 534 Member
    Dont deprive yourself of your favorite food. it is torture and it will lead to bingeing. I trY to incorporate my favorite foods in moderation. one or two squares of dark chocolate... 85 percent cocoa or more each day should satisfy your craving. it sounds really simple but it works.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I know this is definitely not what you want to here but You really need to tackle this from a total mindset adjustment... Are you really going to give up chocolate and/or sweets, junk food for the rest of your life?? Highly unlikely so what you need to do is work on sustainable habits you can live with... You can enjoy the foods you like and still lose weight and or maintain your weight and live guilt free. You just have to put in the time to make it work for you, measure out portions and put them in separate containers and label them for each day. Instead of practicing complete abstinence, practice portion control and learn to have the things you like only in moderation. In the long run you will be alot better off...... Best of Luck
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I know this is definitely not what you want to here but You really need to tackle this from a total mindset adjustment... Are you really going to give up chocolate and/or sweets, junk food for the rest of your life?? Highly unlikely so what you need to do is work on sustainable habits you can live with... You can enjoy the foods you like and still lose weight and or maintain your weight and live guilt free. You just have to put in the time to make it work for you, measure out portions and put them in separate containers and label them for each day. Instead of practicing complete abstinence, practice portion control and learn to have the things you like only in moderation. In the long run you will be alot better off...... Best of Luck

    ^^ Listen to Ed :wink:
  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    I know this is definitely not what you want to here but You really need to tackle this from a total mindset adjustment... Are you really going to give up chocolate and/or sweets, junk food for the rest of your life?? Highly unlikely so what you need to do is work on sustainable habits you can live with... You can enjoy the foods you like and still lose weight and or maintain your weight and live guilt free. You just have to put in the time to make it work for you, measure out portions and put them in separate containers and label them for each day. Instead of practicing complete abstinence, practice portion control and learn to have the things you like only in moderation. In the long run you will be alot better off...... Best of Luck

    ^^^THIS!!! Practice, practice, practice. Practice til you get it.
  • lcransaw
    lcransaw Posts: 95
    How about making a better choice to satisfy your craving for chocolate. Not sure where you are, but Emerald makes a cocoa covered almond that works for me. More protein, not as much sugar, and it saves tons of calories. Don't beat yourself up for eating chocolate. That will lead to failure and lower self esteem. This is a journey, and not a sprint. Good luck to you.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I like having a 120 calorie hot chocolate in the evening... sipping it slowly. Mmmmm... :heart:
  • CarmenSRT
    CarmenSRT Posts: 843 Member
    OP, perhaps it would be better to log what you eat. I looked and your diary is open but you aren't logging. On days when you have a bit of chocolate that goes overboard put the circumstances down in Notes. Look for patterns in days when you go berserk. You're in this for the long haul, right? Eventually chocolate will be in your life, best to learn to live with it in a healthy way. :wink:
  • kmash32
    kmash32 Posts: 275 Member
    I know what you mean, my boss lost a lot of weight and is really fit now but she has no self control if she eats one piece she eats 20. I would go with substituting where you can. I won't give up ice cream so I keep the individual containers of skinny cow browine and peanut butter chocolate ice cream or skinny cow fudge bars in my freezer and allow myself one when I really want ice cream at night. As I am not a huge fan of dark chocolate I keep minatures of that around and I can then stop at 2 at the most. It is all about figuring out what you can substitute to cure that craving.
  • Birder150
    Birder150 Posts: 677 Member
    I noticed you're not logging in your food diary. Are you doing that elsewhere? Are you keeping track at all?

    If you are keeping track then please disregard this.
    If you're not, perhaps you'd see that you really could fit in treats here and there without guilt and that they'd fit in your food plan.
    You have your calorie limit set at 1500 which is a nice amount of food if you plan it right.
  • lorenzovonmatterhorn7549
    It's cool that you are here and that you are looking for support. You've already come this far by getting started and trying to do something about it. You should be applauded for that.

    I subscribe to the "everything in moderation" theory. If you can work chocolate or other snacks into you food goals, do so but don't go overboard with it. Also, when you know you are going to screw up with food, ask yourself a simple question. Is this short term fix worth the long term consequences?
  • frosty73
    frosty73 Posts: 424 Member
    Boy, can I relate! You are having sugar cravings, which means your body's insulin spikes and plummets throughout the day. Probably you don't have a lot of energy, either--- that goes along with the insulin plummeting.

    Here's my recommendation: instead of FOCUSING on what you CANNOT have, focus on what your body needs to stay healthy and even. I found that if I get enough protein at meals, I do not have massive sugar cravings. When I do have sugar cravings, it is probably the result of stress or emotions. I rely on Zone Perfect bars to keep me from feeling deprived-- to me they taste like candy bars, but they have enough protein that I don't feel hungry afterwards and I don't crave sweets afterwards. There's no reason for me to fall off my diet when I'm not depriving myself of what I love!

    Some healthy high-protein snacks: lowfat string cheese, hard-boiled eggs, chicken deli meat or grilled chicken, peanut butter (but you really have to measure and stick to a small amount because it is high in calories). Good luck, do not beat yourself up for mistakes but learn from them and move on!
  • Julesbait
    Julesbait Posts: 190 Member
    I know this is definitely not what you want to here but You really need to tackle this from a total mindset adjustment... Are you really going to give up chocolate and/or sweets, junk food for the rest of your life?? Highly unlikely so what you need to do is work on sustainable habits you can live with... You can enjoy the foods you like and still lose weight and or maintain your weight and live guilt free. You just have to put in the time to make it work for you, measure out portions and put them in separate containers and label them for each day. Instead of practicing complete abstinence, practice portion control and learn to have the things you like only in moderation. In the long run you will be alot better off...... Best of Luck

    This x 1,000,000.

    Don't do anything to lose weight that you're not willing to do the rest of your life.
  • BaconSlanger
    BaconSlanger Posts: 64 Member
    Everyone has great thoughts and points in here. Way to go everyone!
  • cwgrlfth
    cwgrlfth Posts: 21 Member
    darker chocolate will help. stick it in the freezer and just break a small piece off so that you do not deprive yourself. that is when you over indulge. you will get there but it takes alot of hard work. i am still trying to get off some of mine
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    I have sweets every day....and I have diabetes. Just a little....I can't deprive myself...I'd go crazy.

    Everyone is right. Indulge a little and don't feel guilty. You can STILL lose. I have. :)
  • HeadsPoppingOutOfCups
    You're setting yourself up to fail, it's difficult to just go cold turkey.

    I dealt with the issue of sweet by getting chocolate calcium chews and gummy vitamins. I get two gummies and a chocolate chew everyday but know even though I want more I can't sit there and eat 5000% of my daily calcium/vitamin A/magnesium so it really helps with restraining me from eating an entire bag.
  • saanaismom
    saanaismom Posts: 79 Member
    Have you tired organic cacao nibs - they are pure, unprocessed raw chocolate…absolutely no sugar, amazingly good for you! I am also a chocoholic (serious issues) and when I get the itch, I have about a tbsp with almonds and a few cranberries. Like you, one regular chocolate or anything chocolatey leads to a major binge. This options satisfies my craving and doesn't lead me down the slippery slop. If your diary is open, add me as a friend and I'll try to help as much as I can.
  • Striving4Fit_MrsOrtiz
  • jimgeymont
    Eat the chocolate and COUNT the calories...if you count the calories you will soon not want to so carelessly give them up to chocolate :o)
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    I miss milk chocolate.