Meathead Chronicles: Volume I

Meathead Chronicles: Volume I

"How often do you run/jog?"
Never. If I'm running, it's because something has gone horribly wrong, and I'm out of ammo ... and/or ... zombies.

"Guys who constantly workout are Neanderthals who are overcompensating for low intellect."
True. And it's pronounced "nee-an-der-TALL." Yeahhh, then that happened. Next.

"What is your favorite supplement?"

"Do you do CrossFit?"
No. I'm a dude.

"Do you train with a partner?"
Sure, right before we braid each other's hair and watch Titanic in our pj's.

"What are your thoughts on Zumba?"
I've heard they clean the floor pretty good.

"What is your favorite energy drink?"
