
Hi all I am in my late 50’s and really struggling with the weight loss. I am sticking to my allocated budget plus exercise. But due to Menopause my weight is static. I am onHRT but currently trying different combinations to feel bette. Any advice would be grateful
Thank you


  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,856 Member
    In order to help you we need a bit more information Julie.
    How much are you eating, what is your current weight and your goal weight?
    How do you measure your food intake? Do you use cups and spoons, estimates, food scale? Do you log everything with calories?

    Thanks a lot :)
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,783 Member
    Hi, Julie - I understand that the transition to menopause can be difficult for many women in many ways (I'm a 66 y/o woman myself, of course menopausal at that age). However, thankfully menopause doesn't absolutely prevent weight loss.

    Weight loss can be challenging for anyone of any age or sex, and for menopausal women, menopause can be an assumed reason for feeling challenged, especially in a context like now where it seems like everybody and her sister is trying to sell diet or exercise programs, claiming that we need their special thing or we won't thrive in menopause. They sell more things if they can convince us this stuff is complicated. It's really not that complicated, IMO. We don't need their expensive "hacks" or "weird tricks". (I lost 50+ pounds at age 59-60, using MFP. I was in menopause, I was hypothyroid, etc. It's still possible to lose weight, IME.)

    If you answer yirara's questions, we may be able to help. It might also help if you could open up your MFP diary so some of the MFP "old hands" could look at it. This is not to criticize you, it's just in recognition that logging is a skill, sometimes a surprisingly subtle one, that all of us have had to work to learn, usually with some startling discoveries along the way about potential pitfalls in the process. If we could look at your food log, we might be able to help you shortcut the learning process, essentially by letting you learn from our past mistakes/recoveries.

    This can work!
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    My mom is 84 and struggles to stay above Underweight because she is super active and prefers nutrient dense over calorie dense food.

    The only time in her life she had a weight problem was when she had a new husband who liked to bake cookies and muffins and she needed to learn moderation.