How much benefit?

I don't lift, purely body weight exercises, run, swim and cycle.
Changing things up a bit
More walking
My question
How much benefit will doing, high knees whilst walking around apartment, or lunges when walking to the car, squats when going to the bathroom ????


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 34,987 Member
    More benefit than not doing them? 😉

    Seriously: Depends on how many you do, how often. Watch out for doing so much that you compromise overall muscular recovery for some muscle group(s), depending on current fitness level, and the timing/volume of other exercise.

    I do some things like that, more just to create a habit of movement and to work on movements that are a challenge to me. I don't do huge volumes, so it doesn't compromise recovery nor add up to much calorically . . . but, back where I started, it helps more than not doing them. 😉

    Why not, other than looking eccentric?