Calorie Deficit

Can someone clarify calorie deficit for me please? I’ve set my daily caloric intake to 1500. Should I be eating less than that?


  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Why and how did you set it to 1500?

    If as part of your goal set up (which only you can see) and you selected the option to lose weight at a certain weekly rate then 1500 + exercise calories is the calorie amount MFP predicts for you to lose at that rate.
    MyFitnessPal actually calculates your weight maintenance calories from your stats (age, weight, gender) for a day with no exercise and it is you deciding which direction you want your weight to go in and making the selection from the list of options that gives you are right deficit goal.

    If you picked "maintain current weight" then 1500 + exercise calories is the prediction to neither lose or gain.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    donyale717 wrote: »
    Can someone clarify calorie deficit for me please? I’ve set my daily caloric intake to 1500. Should I be eating less than that?

    If you put in your stats and activity level and selected to lose weight as your goal then the calculator calculated your calorie target based on that yeah...the calorie target you were given is your calorie target to consume to lose is your deficit.

    A calorie is a unit of energy. We need XXXX calories per day to support merely being alive, going about our day to day activities, exercise, etc. That need is based on your height, weight, sex, and activity level. When you consume fewer calories than you require to maintain the status quo, you are in a calorie (energy) deficit.

    Example. I require around 2800 calories to maintain my weight. I will lose weight if I consistently consume fewer calories than that. To lose 1 Lb requires roughly a 3500 calorie deficit...or 500 calorie deficit per day. So I lose on average 1 Lb per week consuming around 2300 calories.
  • happygirlrml
    happygirlrml Posts: 3 Member
    Hello, google or search TDEE Calculator and fill in your information. You will see a lot of the TDEE calculators. Whatever your number comes to eat less calories that that, be consistent and you will lose weight. Everyone's number is different based on weight, activity level, age etc.