New Again - Returning to MFP

October 5, 2014 was the first time I logged into MFP - 7.5 years ago. I used it January 2015, and had managed to drop 20 pounds. I'd return to MFP February 1, 2016, 15 pounds heavier and again was consistent using it until May 4, 2016 having again dropped 20 pounds. The I'd drop in every once and a while, generally holding between 135 pounds and 155 pounds until October 2019. Then I took a long, long break, my weight climbed, to 170 pounds in April 2021, and 175 pounds just last week.

The day I delivered my son, now nearly 10 years ago, I weighed 170 pounds. Indeed, this is the heaviest I have ever been (and ever intend to be) - so here I am a new, old user of MFP. I'm here again because it works.

That said - I'm older now - I'm now 43. I also have acquired a frozen shoulder this past December, so I am under no illusions that it will be easier this time. It won't. That said, my kids are also older, so they no longer require that alternate childcare be available should I wish to exercise. So in that regard, it will be easier.

Also, I know my bad habits. I mom-er-ate - and must resist the urge to clear off my children's plates of food they did not eat. I'm also not fully great at portion control, so I know weighing and logging what I eat will help a lot. I know that simple choices can add up (more protein and fewer carbs help). I know that exercising gets easier (just 4 years ago I was running 10k's). I know that glasses of wine and martini's add up and that cutting out alcohol is easier on both the budget and waist line. I know that the first few weeks are the most tricky.

So here I am/was at a 175lbs starting line. I'd like to be 125lbs - so I've got 50lbs to lose. I'm 5'3" - and am looking forward to once again enjoying shopping for clothes, once again enjoying a longer run (5km + at a go), once again having more energy.


  • Kiwi2mfp
    Kiwi2mfp Posts: 166 Member
    Hi there! I am back again also lol. I am 38, 5'7" and weigh 217 pounds! I just told my doc yesterday that the last time I was this weight I was pregnant! Yesterday I found out my kidney numbers are borderline chronic kidney disease. I never had an issue before. No high blood reason to have this. It was a drastic and quick drop so they believe it can be reversed. I have hardly touched NSAIDS in a year either. Turns out prior covid infection can wreck havoc on the kidneys even if you weren't hospitalized. So I go in again in 6 months to see how these babies are doing and I have got to help them as much as I can. Diet change, weight loss, water consumption....those are things I can control so here goes! I quit drinking a year ago and after hearing this news I am so glad I did. If I was drinking this last year, my kidney damage might have been a whole lot worse. This might have been the kick in the pants I needed to get back on board with healthy living. We all need that reason to start and keep going. The trick is finding one strong enough to sustain you. I hope you do well with your journey!
  • WestCoastJanice
    WestCoastJanice Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you - so far, so good. One week in, and one more to go before things start to just feel like a habit. The first two weeks are always the most tricky.
  • misssixtea
    misssixtea Posts: 35 Member
    Hi Janice
    I’ve just rejoined MFP for the third time and looking through the introductions. Your post resonated as I too acquired a frozen shoulder in November. It’s been absolutely debilitating. I had an injection last month and that has been transformational!

    I too am a lapsed runner but have had knee issues so taking a break at the moment. I am usually pretty fit and active but struggle with emotional eating which is why I’m back!

    Looking for new friends so do add me if you want to connect 😊
  • WestCoastJanice
    WestCoastJanice Posts: 16 Member
    5 weeks in now! This time, I'm down 16 pounds from where I started, almost to my previous "high weight". In the hang of logging my food, and used to the 5:30am boot camps. Energy levels are up - and I'm now at a point where I think I can start running (okay, jogging) again. As a bonus, this time around my husband is along for the ride and has also dropped 8 pounds over the past 5 weeks, walking more and eating better.

    I've not mom-er-ated (where, rather than toss perfectly good food I finish off what the kids leave behind) in five weeks, I've eliminated alcohol - and it's great seeing and feeling the results. Perk: savings on wine and cab fare add up and fund some new workout gear.