
I’m rahsaun would like to lose weight but don’t know what to eat and a way to make drink that can make me lose weight


  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,440 Member
    Just start by logging what you currently eat and drink. You'll start seeing areas where you are "wasting" calories. Wean those items out of your diet and add other items that serve you better.

    For example, I do not drink my calories. It's a waste of calories and I'd rather eat them.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,913 Member
    edited April 2022
    There’s a pervasive myth that you can lose weight by drinking calories. I’ll be honest and say, I thought so, too. I mean, you pee them out, right?

    Noooooooooo!!!! 🤦🏻‍♀️ Nothing In life is that simple.

    First of all, drinks aren’t satiating, and after a while you’ll want to chew your arm off, or be side-eyeing the cat.

    It’s much more satiating (long term feeling of hunger satisfied) to chew on actual food rather than drinking the calories. Many shakes or protein drinks are more calories than “real food”. So while you have the illusion or perception of a light meal, it’s actually heavier than if you just ate something.

    You can eat a half a pound chicken breast (raw) which has been lightly seasoned and then grilled, baked or roasted, for about 265 calories. Add some green beans or a light salad, and you have a protein and fiber filled meal that will hold you for hours for fewer calories than that shake.

    Liquid calories and solid calories burn off at the same pace. You’re not coming out ahead by drinking them.

    Many cuts of beef and pork are very low calorie. We buy a cut of roast at our local (American) Lidl that is 140cal/4 ounces. I slice it into steaks to grill, or dice it and brown it without oil to make a sandwich stuffing. Much more filling than a shake.

    Think of your daily calories as starting your morning with a wad of cash in your pocket. How can you spend that cash throughout the day to get the best return on your money and still be in the black at the end of the day?

    That’s how I treat food.

    Sunday is doughnut day. I’m willing to splurge a little in the morning, and eat a smaller lunch to make up for it.

    Maybe I’ll do some exercise to bank a little extra cash to spend later in the day, or even to save for a “rainy day”, like old grey headed lady bunco night tomorrow night, where I know there will be a lot of (calorie “expensive”) treats.

    Think creatively and how to get the very best value out of that bundle of calories as you possibly can.