What can I drink besides water to lose weight when I’m not at the gym

rahsophilly90 Posts: 2 Member
How can I lose weight when I’m not at the gym like any drinks and foods I should not eat or drink


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Weight management is not predicated on any particular food or beverage and water in and of itself has nothing to do with weight loss. Being adequately hydrated is a health thing...not everything is strictly about losing weight.

    Weight management is predicated on calorie consumption and calorie expenditure. You burn calories 24/7...most of your calorie requirements are derived from you merely existing and nothing else. Being alive requires a lot of energy (calories). Then you burn more calories going about your day to day activities...everything you do requires energy (calories). Energy expenditure from deliberate exercise is typically a very small piece of the energy equation.

    You lose weight when you consume fewer calories than you are expending overall. Bodyfat is just stored energy...it's like your backup generator. When you consume less energy than your body requires, that has to be reconciled...so your backup generator kicks on and you burn bodyfat to make up for the energy deficiency.

    In regards to "any drinks and foods I should not eat or drink"...like I said, individual foods and beverages don't in and of themselves have anything to do with weight management. That said, one would typically try to reduce consumption of high calorie, low nutrient foods and beverages in trying to achieve a reasonable calorie deficit.

    I drink a variety of beverages in addition to plenty of water. I'm a regular coffee and tea drinker and usually have one Coke Zero or other zero calorie soda daily. I also drink quite a bit of carbonated, flavored waters. Staying properly hydrated is beneficial to your overall health.
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