Cardio / Calorie Burn with Lower body injury

mandashereee Posts: 1 Member
Does anyone have any ideas for workouts while wearing a boot? Non weight bearing for 4 weeks and I need to elevate my heart rate and get a good burn. Some of the workouts I've been doing feel as though they're not challenging enough.


  • _BlahBlah_BlackSheep_
    _BlahBlah_BlackSheep_ Posts: 2,148 Member
    Are you only looking for cardio options, or do you lift weights as well? I couldn't really do any cardio when I was in a boot, but I did continue with modified weight lifting and yoga to stay in shape. Some options for non-weight bearing lifts include:

    Leg Extensions
    Seated Good Mornings
    Leg Curl
    Weighted Back Extension
    Seated Adductors
    Weighted Roman Chair Sit Ups
    Cable Crunch
    Seated Overhead Press
    Lat Pull Down
    Tricep Extensions
    Any kind of bench presses or seated dumbbell curls
    Various cable/resistance band exercises
    Seated/prone yoga positions
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    You're going to be hard pressed to find cardio that is particularly challenging that is only upper body, particularly if you're in reasonably good shape fitness wise. You need to rest and heal and recover. I was in a boot for 6 weeks in sucks, but it often comes with the fitness territory.
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