Let's Do This!

Hello, my name is Trista! I have joined myfitnesspal a few times before. I have been in a cycle of starting and stopping for a good long while.
I work at a hospital and I've been noticing people my age and older continually having to come back and stay in the hospital. I think it's finally hitting me that I don't want to end up being one of those people. I'm 41 years old, married to my husband of nearly 15 years, and we have a 13 year old son!
I've been tracking on myfitnesspal for about month now, not most consistently, but I really think this will be easier if I had support and other people that were going through the same thing. I'm wanting to lose 50 pounds to start with. Will reevaluate after that. I'm 5'3.5" and currently weigh 198. I weighed 200 when I started a month ago.
If you send me a friend request I just ask you tell me something about yourself too! We can do this thing!


  • JBanx256
    JBanx256 Posts: 1,479 Member
    Hey Trista, just as a heads-up, I'm not sure if it is still this way, but I know at least for awhile, if someone sent you a message and they weren't already on your friends list, you wouldn't get the message. They wouldn't get any sort of error or anything and therefore would have no idea that you didn't receive it...it was just...*poof* like it never happened. So you *MAY* need to be open to accepting friend requests without prior direct communication, just because MFP is kinda hinky like that ;)
  • tristatriesagain
    tristatriesagain Posts: 22 Member
    Oh ok! Thank you!