Can't get back on track

I have been on myfitnesspal for a while, I did really well initially, logged my food daily, stayed on track, lost weight, then I just got off track and gained all of it back and am really struggling to get back to sticking to it. I struggle with a physical muscle issue that minimizes exercise and I admit when I am having a painful day, food is my go to. Had alot of those lately, I just don't know how to get back to sticking to it...


  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,296 Member
    Break it down into small steps. First track everything. Weigh things to make sure of your portion size. Make a food plan for a day that you find filling, and eat all of that one day. Then do it another day. If one day at a time is too much, then break up your calories into meals and snacks and try to "win" each meal. Celebrate when you eat right. And try to build joys into your life that have nothing to do with food, such as looking at kittens or houses on the internet or phone calls with friends. Look at the success stories for inspiration. You can do this!!
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,296 Member
    Maybe make a plan to deal with pain such as
    1. Take a pill then
    2. Read the news until it kicks in then
    3. Walk slowly as far as you can without pain.
    4. Take a warm bath
    5. Have a cup of unsweetened decaf tea.

    Your plan will look different, but you can make one, write it down and tape it to the bathroom mirror so you will see it and know what to do. It's hard dealing with pain and medical issues, but even athletes have them. Good luck, you really can do this!
  • MsCzar
    MsCzar Posts: 1,071 Member
    edited April 2022
    I'm not yet fully back on track after struggling with a weight loss setback - but at least holding steady at the mo. Some things that have helped:
    Most days, I manage to get 30 minutes of exercise in, no matter how much I've eaten. It's all too easy to say, "Oh, I've eaten far too many calories today, so what's the point?" The benefits of exercise go far beyond mere weight loss... so don't skip it! Even on a painful day, maybe do some stretches and do some resistance band work. Exercise often makes my achy muscles feel better.
    Sometimes I eat what I crave until I am bored with it. Rather than fight the urge, I will just have what I think I want. Almost every time, I come to realise - Hmmm... that wasn't so special after all. I'm over it. Then I no longer crave that food. That doesn't mean I binge all day - but rather have my fill of ONE specific food.
    Drinking water - LOTS of water.
    Declaring 'no eating' times. For me, it's usually after 7pm and between 1pm-4pm. Even if I still eat too much, the break helps me reset, stop and consider my next meal.
    Pre-planning meals. That's the most important way I manage to regain control over my food intake.
    And everyone will say it - don't stop logging you food. It doesn't matter if you've downed 7000+ calories in one afternoon. Log it.