Most efficient full body workout I could find. Looking for feedback

mcbrainder Posts: 73 Member
edited April 2022 in Fitness and Exercise
I recently started to research to see if I could find the least amount of exercises I could do to work every muscle in my body. I'm doing this to try to keep my workout quick and monitor my progress better. I'll share what I came up with and I'm looking to see if anyone would make additional recommendations. From what I found, I believe this covers all my muscle groups, but mainly, I'm wondering if it is really working muscles like my bis/tris/shoulders 100% or if I should add some other moves to target those muscles.

Every other day, I do cardio, which includes running, rowing, stairs.

Every other day, I do the following: 3 sets of each:
Bench press
Split squats on bench with DBs
Farmers walk

So pretty cut and dry there. I try to up my weights when I hit 3 sets of 10-12. I increase the time for Farmers walks. From what I've found, I THINK I have a pretty robust workout, but looking to see if there's anything anyone would recommend in place of anything on the list or if there's any muscles I could target more.


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    edited April 2022
    Your biceps, triceps, and shoulders are getting work, just not directly. I would personally do some direct work with the shoulders...I used to run an A/B format that looked like this:

    Workout A:
    Back Squats
    Bench Press
    Rows (cable, 3 point, or BB)
    DB Arnold Press

    Workout B:
    Split squats
    Incline Bench
    Pull-ups or Lat Pulldowns
    Lateral Raises

    I did my back squats and deadlifts 5x5. The rest I did 4x 8-12, starting with 8 and working my reps up. Once I got to 12 with two in the tank I upped the weight and dropped back down to 4x8...rinse and repeat. I workout during my lunch hour so I have to be efficient and that pretty much hits everything though it isn't enough volume to really pack on mass (not what I"m looking for anyway).

    I've rarely bothered with doing isolation work for my biceps and triceps as biceps get work with the pulling movements and triceps get work with the pushing movements. If I really wanted hypertrophy or to body build obviously that would be different. If I had time I would do either farmer's carries or kettlebell overhead carries at the end, but it wasn't a top priority. This usually took me about 45 minutes which was perfect for me getting to the gym, getting in my work, and getting back to the office in my hour lunch break.

    If you're not going to do any shoulder pressing at all I would do more incline press than flat bench.