Need motivation please!

So my normal weight is 165 and I now weight 223. This is the biggest I have ever been. For some reason I have had absolutely no motivation to past year or so. Even though I new I was gaining I just let it go. I didn’t care any more what I looked like on the outside or inside. Well although I still don’t have much motivation I’m choosing my son to get healthy for. He is 3 and I’m 43 so keeping up with him is hard especially this overweight. Please help me get this weight off!


  • 88AViva
    88AViva Posts: 499 Member
    Hi. I am glad you took the first steps to changing things that you know need changing. Motivation will not always be there for sure, and it's hard when you feel low about yourself. Find one way to self care everyday so you feel loved, and just be consistent logging and make time for some movement daily. You already have a great 'Why'. I hope every little bit of progress motivates you and makes the journey more enjoyable.