running uphill-downhill or downhill-uphill

I am currently trying to design some running routes in my local area, and I was wondering what peoples preferences are regarding whether the first half of their run should going primarily uphill, then the finishing the second half downhill, or vice versa.

Do you prefer to have a tougher first half of the run then finish easier? or do you prefer it having an easier first half then crank it up with an uphill finish.


  • hayley9914
    hayley9914 Posts: 80 Member
    Personally I prefer to get the tough bit out of the way first, and then because I feel so virtuous I find I push myself harder for the other half voluntarily, rather than just dread the hills!!
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    Given the choice, the route would have a combination of both at various points on the route. Otherwise, it would depend on the goal of the run for that day. If it's just an easy run, then I'll take the uphill on the way back. If it's a faster workout, I'll take the uphill on the way out.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    I like to mix it up. There is a huge bridge right next to my station, sometime I will use that as my warm-up/cool-down, sometimes I will include it in my run either at the beginning or the end, and sometimes I skip it. It usually depends on how I feel that day and what my goal is. Since the half marathon I am training for has some hills in it, I try to include it in my long run if my long run happens to fall on a day where I run it after work.