
tbarron11 Posts: 12 Member
I've been logging in for one FULL week and let me just say! I eat like crap. This week WILL be better! It's been 4 yrs since I last opened this app. ( SMH)


  • 88AViva
    88AViva Posts: 499 Member
    I'm on to week 2, I hope I do better this week too 🙂
    Best of luck on your journey 🌼
  • LemonMarmalade
    LemonMarmalade Posts: 227 Member
    You aren’t alone. I left for a long time as well. I’ve been back at it for about a full week.
    If we push hard and do the work, we will be fine.

    I absolutely love reading the success stories and what people are willing to post about their own path.

    Look forward to seeing you around! Good luck!
  • sugaraddict4321
    sugaraddict4321 Posts: 15,863 MFP Moderator
    Good for you, @tbarron11 - Sometimes seeing our choices in writing before our faces motivates us more than guesswork. Now you can make better, more informed choices! :)
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 8,303 Member
    Logging absolutely opened my eyes to my bad behavior.

    Although, it took a minute to get a handle on it!
  • fatty2begone
    fatty2begone Posts: 249 Member
    It had been 10 years for me to get back to MFP. I knew it worked for me in the past, just needed to decide I was tired of being tired, unfit, and unhealthy.

    Welcome back.
  • texastapdancer
    texastapdancer Posts: 20 Member
    I'm in my first week and I'm trying to be better, too! 😏
  • Sinisterbarbie1
    Sinisterbarbie1 Posts: 711 Member
    In my experience two good things happen with logging - I don’t do the “bad stuff” I would otherwise do mindlessly because I am weighing/writing down everything and thinking about it and making better choices. Second, sometimes when I think I have really gone overboard (like when eating at a friend’s house where I am less in control of what is served) and I sit down and start to calculate what I actually ate I realize the “damage” is not as bad as I thought. This too is important because sometimes when one thinks they have already blown it they are more inclined to give up, thinking the situation is hopeless.

    Both of these good effects also mean you can plan for the times when you know you will want to eat differently than your normal meal days, and you don’t have to worry about it because you can average it out over the rest of the week.
  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    It's all just data. Now you know something you didn't know a week ago. If you don't know there's a problem, how in the world would you know where to even start fixing it?
  • Renata46
    Renata46 Posts: 2 Member
    I feel the same. Just started back on Monday and logging really makes me think about my meal planning.
  • papercut2k
    papercut2k Posts: 83 Member
    Daily Logging is eye opener. Like you, for one week I just logged what I ate. My diet was just processed junk. It's a little better a couple weeks later since I been cooking more meals at home. My meals still mostly consist of carbs and fat but I upped my daily intake of protein from around 40-50g to closer to 100g.
  • thehealthyadventurer
    thehealthyadventurer Posts: 14 Member
    I've just started logging, didn't do great last week, but trying again this week to see how we go. I find it so hard, but hopefully I start to get into the habit. Would love if any of you wanted to be friends so we can encourage eachother? Feel free to add me!
  • jenna_lowcarb_newbie
    jenna_lowcarb_newbie Posts: 7 Member
    I'm finishing up week 1 of logging after a few years break as well. Feel free to add me for added accountability. We can do this!