Any other vegans/grad students?


I'm a grad student that did not "magically" lose weight in converting to a vegan diet. I went vegan for both my health and the love of animals. Yes, you can eat horribly as a vegan, and I did initially view it as a free pass to go nuts, on well...nuts. So, here I sit (like most days, thank you grad school) hoping that I get get off these extra pounds and get my cholesterol in check too! I know, we should eat 5-6 small meals, but when you're in a lab 90% of the time, 10+ hours a day, snaking doesn't work. I am seriously trying though. I also struggle with having to give up my lunch time to head to the gym, when all I really want to do is SLEEP! Right now, I am finding the "little" bit of sugar I consume might be causing me to plateau like a champ (we're talking 6 months). I do like a drink at night to help me forget about my research for at least ten minutes. No, not drinking to get drunk, just to ease the tension and stress of the day and looming deadlines.

As of two weeks ago, I started the Engine 2 diet, which is vegan with no oil. I'm loving it, and hoping it helps out. It's supposed to have promising results on significantly reducing cholesterol.

I could use a few cheerleaders and some kicks in the butt once in awhile, so please add me!
