Unable to eat the calories....can you help?



  • KathleenMurry
    KathleenMurry Posts: 448 Member
    I had this problem before due to severe anxiety. I lost so much weight that my nutritionist had to take over. Her advice was to graze through the day on small things and hide calories in my snacks. For example, load a salad up with nuts and seeds. That will turn a 50 calorie salad into a 350 calorie salad. She knew I loved to eat soy yogurt every day, so she had me put 1/2 cup all bran buds in my yogurt.

    Small additions like that will help you get your calories in.

    Also, smoothies are great. It doesn't feel like you're eating, but you can get loads of calories in. Put in protein powder, peanut butter, avocado, bananas and other healthy fat and protein rich foods into the blender and you'll never know you ate so much!

    After eating right for a couple weeks, it will get much easier. Your metabolism will kick in once it realizes it's getting regular, healthy portions of food. You'll get hungry more often and best of all...the weight will start coming off!

    (in my case, the weight was gained haha but because I had to literally stuff my face for 2 months)
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Can I help? Why yes... yes I can. Now where's my fork...
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Yes Mokey I think that after as many years as I have been in the food industry that I know how to plan meals for many people....I guess that now it's just planning for myself I'm a bit lost. I really don't consider myself as the other OP's that come on here that don't understand that you need X amount of calories in your body to reduce the weight. My problem is eating full meals. I will go ahead and try the smaller/often meals as suggested and see if that helps the scale.

    I don't really eat meals. I basically graze all day and it's often not healthy but I lost 20 lbs and have maintained my weight now for over 2 years doing it so it works. You'll probably be happier if that's the way you are used to eating. I can get 200 to 300 calories in at a time without feeling stuffed so that's how I work.

    My day is usually a yogurt when I get up, 2 hard boiled eggs about an hour and half later, maybe a piece of fruit around 10:30, lunch might be one of those crap in a box 250 calorie freezer meals, a 100 calorie snack mid afternoon, I try to eat something resembling supper with my husband but I skip the starch portion and just have veggies and a small amount of meat, then another snack some time in the evening.

    People comment that I eat constantly but stay slim. They don't really look at what or how much I'm eating because I rarely exceed 1400 calories in a day but it keeps me happy to just graze instead of force a meal down and feel stuffed. The only time it becomes an issue is when we are out and I just can't get a restaurant meal down without feeling like puking.
  • easto_79
    easto_79 Posts: 102 Member
    Totally disagree,
    I could eat a bag of chips and get 400 calories or eat half and get 200, does that make it healthy? I have a similar issue with the calories, I'm trying to do a high protein low carb diet and I do find it difficult to always get 1200 calories. The protein and veggies really do fill you up and are often low in calorie. I have no problem eating a Big Mac and getting 1200 calories but I'm sure that isn't what people are looking for on here. I feel 1000% better on a low carb, sleep is better, exercerise is easier and I just generally feel amazing.

    I agree with the suggestion of eatting more healthy fats, like nuts and avacados it's an good healthy way to get more calories.

    Good luck, just keep tracking and adding more healthy items each day, you'll get there.
  • VeganLexi
    VeganLexi Posts: 960 Member
    Nuts, avocado, raw virgin coconut oil, olive oil. I've never had this problem :laugh: