Exercise for a busy life and 2nd floor flat?

I am a teacher with a part time job, so my evenings are pretty busy. I dance twice a week, but want to get in more exercise.

Always been a fan of aerobics/zumba/workout vids, but living on the 2nd floor with wooden floors, i can't really go bouncing around to loud motivating dvd's

Any suggestions for how I can increase my exercise?


  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    Do they have a gym where you teach?
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Leslie Sansone are (mostly) low impact aerobics. Anything high impact (usually jogging) can be substituted for marching in place. I have done these workouts using my own music and an MP3 player with ear buds.

    Here's a list with video clips: http://www.collagevideo.com/exercise-videos/les lie-sansone-exercise-videos-10
    This site will tell you what is high impact, mixed impact, and low impact.

    Another possibility - I workout on a concrete floor (basement) - the floor is super hard so I put down an exercise mat .... this might help muffle the sound.
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    Body weight exercises. Squats, lunges, lying leg raises, push-ups, planks, etc. Do them in a circuit, 30 seconds to a minute each, or something like 15 reps each, no rest for 3-4 rounds, with a minute rest between rounds, and you'll really get your heart rate up.
  • Cyliesmom
    Cyliesmom Posts: 35 Member
    while i was working I was hitting the gym before 6:00 am, then home to shower and get ready for work etc. When I lived in an apt I would see people skipping (you know with a rope) in the landings in the fire stairs. Could you walk or run outside - nice thing is you can do it anytime, just need good shoes (perhaps a good bra too).
  • rachempoo
    rachempoo Posts: 134 Member
    Skipping in the landings? Why didn't I think of that?!? That's brilliant! I live on the third floor and have many of the same issues. I tend to do less cardio and more Yoga and other things that don't require jumping and when I do jump, I've learned to jump and land quieter. To get my cardio in I tend to head outdoors or sometimes I'll just go up and down the apartment stairs. Good luck!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I'm also a part time teacher living in a 2nd floor flat!

    I go to the gym and do classes a lot, so don't really need to do home workouts, but I have done my Zumba Core for the Xbox at home, and my husband has done P90x in our living room. Our living room is above our neighbour's bedroom, so if it's not late then it's ok.

    I plan on getting some kettlebells to do a home workout. My son starts primary school soon so I won't have the luxury to going to the gym straight from work when hubby's on late shift (kids are usually at nursery til 6 on my working days).

    So I plan on using kettlebells, free weights, dyna bands, gym ball etc to do strength training. As well as not wanting to annoy my neighbours, I don't want to wake my kids up with a noisy workout!