Tall Women and Weight



  • Artaxia
    Artaxia Posts: 185
    I'm 6'0" and before I got pregnant, I was 185 lb and a size 7/9. Post baby, I was 275 and wearing a size 16. I am now 268 lb and wearing a size 14. I want to get down to 165 (i used to be this thin) and wear my 5's again. However, I will be super happy at 185 and I won't complain any. Taller women have more room to be a little heavier ;)
  • eatzntravel
    eatzntravel Posts: 24 Member
    HI Tall Ladies! This is my second day here. I am 5'10 and 184 lbs. I am here to lose 20 lbs and then see where it takes me. I had a baby a year ago and I am just unhappy with my belly. For my own benefit I just need to get some of this lingering weight off.
    I have never been really skinny and my husband makes fun of my large hands. They are pretty big. From "pilgrim stock" he calls them. I have always been tall and I have always carried extra weight on my frame with no problem.
    I now want something different for myself. A new vision for the next 10 years.
    Add me as a friend. I believe our journeys will be similar.
    I am starting my journey with 1200 calories a day. walking off 307 calories on the treadmill and doing some exercises for the love handles and lower abs.
  • RM10003
    RM10003 Posts: 316 Member
    HI Tall Ladies! This is my second day here. I am 5'10 and 184 lbs. I am here to lose 20 lbs and then see where it takes me. I had a baby a year ago and I am just unhappy with my belly. For my own benefit I just need to get some of this lingering weight off.
    I have never been really skinny and my husband makes fun of my large hands. They are pretty big. From "pilgrim stock" he calls them. I have always been tall and I have always carried extra weight on my frame with no problem.
    I now want something different for myself. A new vision for the next 10 years.
    Add me as a friend. I believe our journeys will be similar.
    I am starting my journey with 1200 calories a day. walking off 307 calories on the treadmill and doing some exercises for the love handles and lower abs.

    I think you may find 1200 really difficult--give it a shot, but something in the 1600-1800 range may be more comfortable, and still let you lose weight, with the amount of exercise you're doing.
  • eatzntravel
    eatzntravel Posts: 24 Member
    Thank you RM.

    I can see how 1200 will be difficult. It has been 5 hard core days of tracking and last night the porters got me! lol They tasted good though.

    I am starting at 1200 and trying to hover. I didn't eat poorly before this so I really need a shock to the system, I have cut out the whites. I married a filipino man and there is always white rice with the meals, even breakfast.

    So I am gradually building a food lifestyle from the foundation of 1200.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Gosh, this is a great conversation, especially because the majority sound like they are pretty comfortable in their bodies. It's refreshing. :smile:

    I always wanted to be tall (I'm 5 ft 4 in and on the smaller side), but it just didn't turn out that way. My mother was 5 1 & 1/2 and said she used to hang upside down on the monkey bars when she was a youngster to gain some height. It didn't work. :bigsmile:
  • fatfrost
    fatfrost Posts: 365 Member
    I'm a guy, but I'm 6'6" so I can relate. Also, all these tall women getting into shape is pertinent to my interests :)

    Keep it up, ladies! You're looking great, all of you. Especially that one. you know who you are.

    What he ^ said, except I am not 6'6".
  • beckybunnyun
    . Hey! I'm like you are in many ways. I'm 5'10" & started out weighing 386. That was a few years ago and this morning I weighed 197. I'm currently a size 12 but still have quite a few pounds of fat to lose. The lowest I've gotten is 181 & I was still a loose 12, few 10s fit. When I got to that weight, it was quite evident that I could stand to lose about twenty more lbs of fat. I think my goal is 165-170, incorporating lifting into my running routine.
  • Vicxie86
    Vicxie86 Posts: 181 Member
    I'm 6'2, started at 233lbs (approx 106kg) and a size 14-20 u.k (big chest, impossible to zip or button up unless i get a bigger size) and even though i'm a size 16 jeans, some jeans are just a tinnie but tight, making me wish there was a 16.5 so i just opted for a permanent size 18, might have to go back down as they are hanging a bit too loose even with belt on now. People usually think i'm a size 14 due to my tall frame. I let myself be content with not looking overweight or obese according to my bmi.

    Thing is, 10yrs ago, i was 210lbs (95kg), had a lean frame, flat stomach and i was STILL a size 16 jeans but with a smaller bust size.

    My goal is to drop down to a size 14 jeans. I'll be happy at 85-90kg.
  • KymmyJoy
    KymmyJoy Posts: 206 Member
    I'm 6' and find it hard because when I lose weight it can make me look too think in certain places. I get a bit bony round my collar bone and ribs but I still carry a lot on my thighs.

    I also found that I used to wear clothes when I was bigger and think I looked fine (I didn't in hindsight but at the time I didn't care!) now that I'm so into trying to tone up and lose weight the only time I've had revealing clothes on was on holiday because now I over analyse everything and talk myself out of things.

    Forgot to say... I'm still 13 stone (83kg) and it drives me mad feeling compared to people trying to get down to like 9stone all the time because I would just look ridiculous. Least you guys can empathise!
  • Khat28
    I'm 5'10 and 185 lbs, I'm not looking to lose weight for another year because i'm pregnant with baby #2 ....However when i can begin my weight loss journey i want to get down to 125 lbs. Is that too thin for my height , the lowest i've been is 136 lbs and my family said it was really thin for me, but i felt as though I can lose a few more pounds. I have had a very painful and emotional time after my first pregnancy after losing my baby a month after giving birth so thats why I didnt even have the time to think of losing the weight. With this pregnancy Im staying positive and I definitely want to lose the weight which i gained all from the first pregnancy.
  • Luckee_me
    Luckee_me Posts: 1,426 Member
  • bp14tigers
    I am 6 ft and at this time weigh around 165. When i was a college athlete i weighed 175. I would like to get down to around 162ish.
  • loseitmick
    HEYYYY yall!

    I am 5'9 and I weight 193.6 lbs, I have very muscular thighs and a big butt but I would love to be the nice slim 175lbs! I started my firness pall again today and it calculated that i can consume only 1360 calories a day!!! This is goin to be quite challenging!
  • BahamaMama85
    BahamaMama85 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi Amazons!
    I'm 29 y/o 5'8" my CW is 215 wearing a size 14 & my first GW is 170. I graduated highschool at 140 wearing a size 8 and I haven't seen it since. I'm large framed my fingers cannot touch around my wrists. I've always had thicker thighs even at my smallest weight. People would never guess my weight right now in the 200s always in the 190s. I'm very curvy and hourglassed shaped. When I got down to 185 a couple years back family and friends would tell me to stop losing weight I look like a bobble head! I have to lose a minimum of 20lbs for people to notice any weightloss. I hope to see myself at goal or trying to make it to goal.
  • ErinMcMom
    ErinMcMom Posts: 228 Member
    I'm 5'9" and currently 160 lbs (the highest I've been non-pregnant is 185). I'm aiming to get down to 135-140. That's where I was when I got married and where I felt I looked best.
    I carry like 99% of the weight in my tummy so even at 160 I'm still wearing size 10 pants (sometimes 12) I need to get rid of this darn gut. It's the first place that picks up the weight and the last place it drops from for me!
  • rexroars
    rexroars Posts: 131 Member
    I'm 5'10" and 148 lbs. But I also have almost NO muscle whatsoever (seriously though I am so weak) so I still have significant flab on my stomach. My highest was 180 and I didn't feel great, but I was eating very badly.

    I think the best thing to do is just get there and see how you feel. Muscular 180 is going to look thinner and feel better than no-muscle 180. You'll certainly be a "healthy" weight at 180 but once you get there you might want to start focusing more on health than weight in general, which is what I'm trying to do now!

    So excited at all of the tall women on this thread!! If anyone reads this please add me if you want :)
  • rexroars
    rexroars Posts: 131 Member
    Also, at 5'10" and 148 lbs, I am still a size 12 at some stores. I have really wide hips. Because of these wide hips I actually have the "thigh gap" that people talk about but I honestly don't think that's attractive... I also have really broad shoulders. I've never felt dainty or feminine in my life.... And nobody believes that I'm a size 12.

    Bodies are so weird!!
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    BMI doesn't mean you should try to be in the "Middle" of the range. The range exists because most people are healthy within that range. I will pretty much always reside at the high end of BMI.

    I'm 5'9" and 155lbs, with a goal of 150, a size 8 currently.
  • pamela6611
    So glad to know there are other amazons out there struggling with the same thing. The great thing about being 6' is that if I gain 10lbs, nobody really notices. But the bad thing is if I LOSE 10lbs, nobody really notices either! It takes forever for me to notice a difference because I carry a lot of weight around my middle - currently 207lbs, lost about 10lbs since I started. When I start losing weight, I seem to lose weight everywhere else but my middle. So frustrating!

    I want to build a little muscle (particularly in my core) and focus on that, as well as eating right, and try not to look at the scale too much. Getting married in September, so that is my motivation. Good luck to everyone!
  • dietcoke281
    dietcoke281 Posts: 226 Member
    I'm 5'10" and weigh 130 lbs and am aiming to lose a couple more before I switch to maintenance. I think you should just get down to your goal weight and go from there. I feel I look better skinnier but everyone carries their weight differently.