Starvation mode is a myth.



  • eryquem
    eryquem Posts: 66 Member
    There's some truth to the information on this guy's site, but unfortunately, there's just about as much wrong as there is right.

    Ultimately, the sight is just another infomercial with the goal of getting you to buy his ebook.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,779 Member
    Food is not the enemy. No one gets a medal from eating too little. They just get hungry.

    DING, DING, DING! We have a winner!!!
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    Great article showed up in my friend feed:

    The TL;DR is this: For virtually all people, if you aren't losing weight, it is for one reason only: You aren't really maintaining a calorie deficit.

    Starvation mode only happens once you have lost so much body fat that you can't lose anymore without dying. If you are overweight, and you eat a calorie deficit, you will lose weight no matter what.

    If you think you are dieting and you are not losing weight the most likely explanation is you aren't accurately tracking your calories.
    The article says starvation mode isn't a myth.

    Don't believe what OP says, he probably didn't even read the article.
  • **Gets popcorn ready**

    ^^^ This!!
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    Wow. I'm 5'9...if I only consumed 1300 cals/day, I would end up killing and eating those around me.

    Eat food! Healthy living is not supposed to be a punishment!
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    In for the gifs! Hopefully with kitties!

  • Showcase_Brodown
    Showcase_Brodown Posts: 919 Member
    While I believe that "starvation mode" is a largely missunderstood and an overused term used by many here on MFP...I would like to know OPs opinon on adaptive thermogenesis...also metabolic damage caused by chronic undereating as evidenced by anorexics and people with other eating disorders.

    While I do not believe in the term "starvation mode" as it is often used here on MFP, I generally find these threads to be somewhat disconcerting due to the fact that you usually see the "amens" and "preach it" posts coming from individuals who are participating in some kind of VLCD which, at minimum cannot provide them with requisite nutrition...which in and of itself is "starving" the body of nutrition.

    Adaptive Thermogenesis is covered in the article linked in the original post.

    Usually when I hear the phrase "metabolic damage" I become very skeptical.

    Also, in the article, the author is very clear on the stance that VLCDs are a terrible idea.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    Great article showed up in my friend feed:

    The TL;DR is this: For virtually all people, if you aren't losing weight, it is for one reason only: You aren't really maintaining a calorie deficit.

    Starvation mode only happens once you have lost so much body fat that you can't lose anymore without dying. If you are overweight, and you eat a calorie deficit, you will lose weight no matter what.

    If you think you are dieting and you are not losing weight the most likely explanation is you aren't accurately tracking your calories.
    The article says starvation mode isn't a myth.

    Don't believe what OP says, he probably didn't even read the article.

    Lol! Indeed
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    The article says starvation mode isn't a myth.

    Don't believe what OP says, he probably didn't even read the article.

    that's not really what the article says. the article lays out the reasons why people who sling around the phrase "starvation mode" on a site like this don't really know what they are talking about.
  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
  • kathymhardy
    kathymhardy Posts: 267 Member
    **Gets popcorn ready**

    Lol :laugh:
  • SStruthers13
    SStruthers13 Posts: 150 Member
    I think there is a body mechanism that makes you store fat but I believe it's a specific genetic marker. Certain Native Americans in Alaska and the south western desert region as well and some tribes in Africa do it but I do not believe it effects most of us. And even if they starve to long they will eventually lose fat, then muscle then organ failure then die. If starvation mode was a fact there would be no skinny anorexics until they actually stop eating all together and get to the no return, your going to die stage because you've destroyed your organs.

    I know an anorexic who ate a leaf of lettuce, 5 grapes, an egg white and a glass of water daily for months and believe me, she didn't go into starvation mode.
  • SStruthers13
    SStruthers13 Posts: 150 Member
    In for the gifs! Hopefully with kitties!


    The most relevant thing in this thread!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    While I believe that "starvation mode" is a largely missunderstood and an overused term used by many here on MFP...I would like to know OPs opinon on adaptive thermogenesis...also metabolic damage caused by chronic undereating as evidenced by anorexics and people with other eating disorders.

    While I do not believe in the term "starvation mode" as it is often used here on MFP, I generally find these threads to be somewhat disconcerting due to the fact that you usually see the "amens" and "preach it" posts coming from individuals who are participating in some kind of VLCD which, at minimum cannot provide them with requisite nutrition...which in and of itself is "starving" the body of nutrition.

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    While I believe that "starvation mode" is a largely missunderstood and an overused term used by many here on MFP...I would like to know OPs opinon on adaptive thermogenesis...also metabolic damage caused by chronic undereating as evidenced by anorexics and people with other eating disorders.

    While I do not believe in the term "starvation mode" as it is often used here on MFP, I generally find these threads to be somewhat disconcerting due to the fact that you usually see the "amens" and "preach it" posts coming from individuals who are participating in some kind of VLCD which, at minimum cannot provide them with requisite nutrition...which in and of itself is "starving" the body of nutrition.

    Adaptive Thermogenesis is covered in the article linked in the original post.

    Usually when I hear the phrase "metabolic damage" I become very skeptical.

    Also, in the article, the author is very clear on the stance that VLCDs are a terrible idea.

    You've apparently never had to personally deal with an anorexic then if you become skeptical at the idea of metabolic damage. It is very real and incredibly difficult to fix given that the individual suffering usually puts on a ton of weight when they begin to eat at a normal level of calories. If that isn't metabolic damage, I don't know what is.
  • annenhie
    annenhie Posts: 91 Member
    Great read... Thanks for sharing. Now I'm scared even more of the calories I am not consuming. I need to eat just a tad bit more coz starvation response is definitely scarier than not losing weight.
  • michail71
    michail71 Posts: 120 Member
    I experienced some "Adaptive Thermogenesis" when I tried to get to about 9% body fat on my first cut. It sucked. The best I can describe is it's like having the flu, where you just don't want to move.

    Dropping 10-20 lbs if you are overweight is rather easy. Dropping a pound or two of fat when you are lean is hard and can't be pushed by a big deficit while trying to maintain LBM.

    Now I keep my cut cycles short and add in refeeds or a week at maintenance. It seems to help
  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    **Gets popcorn ready**

  • Libertysfate
    Libertysfate Posts: 452 Member
    While I believe that "starvation mode" is a largely missunderstood and an overused term used by many here on MFP...I would like to know OPs opinon on adaptive thermogenesis...also metabolic damage caused by chronic undereating as evidenced by anorexics and people with other eating disorders.

    While I do not believe in the term "starvation mode" as it is often used here on MFP, I generally find these threads to be somewhat disconcerting due to the fact that you usually see the "amens" and "preach it" posts coming from individuals who are participating in some kind of VLCD which, at minimum cannot provide them with requisite nutrition...which in and of itself is "starving" the body of nutrition.

    Adaptive Thermogenesis is covered in the article linked in the original post.

    Usually when I hear the phrase "metabolic damage" I become very skeptical.

    Also, in the article, the author is very clear on the stance that VLCDs are a terrible idea.

    You've apparently never had to personally deal with an anorexic then if you become skeptical at the idea of metabolic damage. It is very real and incredibly difficult to fix given that the individual suffering usually puts on a ton of weight when they begin to eat at a normal level of calories. If that isn't metabolic damage, I don't know what is.

    Thumbs up. As someone who has gone through anorexia... I agree.
  • Amitysk
    Amitysk Posts: 705 Member
    In for the gifs! Hopefully with kitties!

