What app is best for starting a couch to 5k? WITH interval training...

julieguay9 Posts: 1 Member
A lot of apps jump right to 3min jog, I really am looking for something on a longer time line and broken down more. Any recs?


  • shazmorgan
    shazmorgan Posts: 34 Member
    Hi @julieguay9
    I spent hours looking for an app or a 'plan' to suit an absolute unfit beginner. I found the same as you, it seemed expected that a beginner could already jog 3 minutes!

    I set up my own interval, using my galaxy watch.
    I started myself with 15 sets of 30 second jog and 1 minute recovery walks. I did this everyday for two weeks. (approximately 20mins total time)
    Then I increased the jog to 45 seconds with one minute recovery walk (15 sets), daily for another week.
    Then minute for minute. (Maintaining the 15 sets)
    Then I kept the jog sets at a minute each, but started to decrease the recovery walks by 15seconds. This is the point in currently at...

    I hope all this makes sense, and is relevant to what you are asking...
    Sharon 🙂
  • VanB124
    VanB124 Posts: 1 Member
    edited June 2022

    This is the general plan I used years ago when I started running. I haven't run in ages and want to do a 5K in the Fall. I plan to start this plan to get back to it.

  • fatty2begone
    fatty2begone Posts: 249 Member
    I did a free Zen app from my I phone. It started at 60 second runs and did this for 1 week (3 x's week). Then progressed to 90 second runs. An increase every week. This was an 8 week program. I finished this at the end of March. I repeated a couple weeks until I was ready to progress to the next level. (I think it took me 10 or 11 weeks to complete).

    I liked the app as it told me when to run and when to walk. I could listen to music on my headphones too. I started on the treadmill and transitioned to the outside once weather permitted.

    This C25K program gave me the structure I needed. BTW the 90 second run was a challenge when I started. Really shows you how fast you can advance.

    Best of Luck!

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