Working out my butt

so this is where my butt is at meow:

(sry if the pic is not allowed, feel free to remove the link)

anyways, i want to build a butt, i want it to be rounder and stick out a little more. i don't ever work out so i'm wondering, how should i start out? will i need to have a gym membership to acheive a gr8 butt?

need some beginner advice, tips, like how to do a squat properly and if stretching is needed, and what sorta stretches. i find that when i squat i feel it in my thighs, not so much my bum. is that normal?

thanks guys


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    I would follow a normal, full-body lifting program, like New Rules of Lifting for Women. If you only work your legs, you might look funny.
    A gym is preferred, unless you're willing to get a set of dumbbells.
    i find that when i squat i feel it in my thighs, not so much my bum. is that normal?

    That's normal. But you might also be doing them incorrectly. Check Youtube for "how to squat".
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    Squats, lunges and deadlifts!!

    Check out YouTube.
  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
    Squats, lunges and deadlifts!!

    This, Squats and deadlifts are awesome for our butts XD

    As for the gym membership, I do strongly believe that using a Barbell is more effective than using dumbbells, but some might disagree. Also good thing with a gym membership is that no matter how much you increase the weight, the price at the end of the year doesn't increase :tongue:

    For good form, I suggest looking for the Stronglift videos (Check Stronglift Squat on youtube)