So happy but lost my way

What a long crazy, awesome, beautiful journey it has been. About 10 years ago I went from obese to anorexic! But I built myself back and ended up super healthy, strong, and fit. I maintained that for years. Became a nutritionist, ranked in boxing and muay Thai, and eventually became a fitness instructor (boxing/HIIT/Strength & weights). One year ago we moved from our current home to the South for many reasons including the weather :smile: I have been here a year and in that time I've put on slightly over 20 lbs! Holy cow! I am still teaching at a local gym that I love. Still boxing, etc. But I am not working out as much as I used to. Also, where I live is a vacation hot spot, and wow the food and drink here... tropical drinks, fresh seafood everywhere, etc. An abundance of great things to eat and drink all the time.

The biggest problem is for the first 6 months living here it's like I was living on vacation! I mean, I work full time but just HAD to try all of the new restaurants and bars!

Anyway, I am getting back on track. Started tracking again, ditched the fried stuff, and mixed (sugary) cocktails and beers for healthier options. Planning to hit the gym outside of the times I train other people. My goal is to get back down to 130 and maintain there. I am actually happy with my strength and overall health but definitely feel a difference with the extra weight. Also, where I live is bathing suit season year-round haha. That's some motivation!

Now that I'm settled in a house I've been food shopping again, prepping, planning, etc. Vs. eating out all the time. So... I am back on it.

Thanks for reading, motivating words and support are always appreciated!