Calorie Hoarder

OK, I used to "hoard" snack and treats for myself, now I want to hoard calories and not use them. I get 1200 a day, but if a sprinkle of cheese on my salad is going to cost me 30 calories, I will do without it even though I have the cals do use. I think it is becoming a slight problem. I have went to extreme on calorie watching. Anyone else dealt with this? My family just shakes their heads at me. I measure and count everything before I eat it. However it is working for me. I am just afraid it will cause a diet burn out.


  • nicolina823
    nicolina823 Posts: 450 Member
    I measure and count everything as well. I wont eat it unless its logged. i:ll change it as many times as I have to to get the diary as close as possible and to make my "you"ll weigh in 5 weeks" a number I want to see.
  • krockwell
    krockwell Posts: 34
    I am the same with weighing everything that passes my lips... I have to - this has become an obsession for me. My husband looks at me funny when I'm constantly weighing things.

    I don't necessarily "hoard" my calories, because I love food too much, but I definately get what you're going through.
  • Bloodie
    Bloodie Posts: 53
    Hmm i think i know exactly what you mean. Before i would just eat whatever i found "attractive" heh.... All in all, nowdays i just try to find out how many calories everything that goes in my mouth has... On some days i go like that, and on some others i slap myself on the forehead and say well ... if something has 50 cals, and it gives me a pleasure to eat it ... hell im gonna go for it. Now, of course i don't do the same thing if something has 500 cals :)
  • 1Steph1
    1Steph1 Posts: 145
    You should always be aware, but sounds like you take it a little extreme :) You could try planning your meals out in advance, then you will know exactly what your going to have and you dont have to worry about it all day :)
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    OK, I used to "hoard" snack and treats for myself, now I want to hoard calories and not use them. I get 1200 a day, but if a sprinkle of cheese on my salad is going to cost me 30 calories, I will do without it even though I have the cals do use. I think it is becoming a slight problem. I have went to extreme on calorie watching. Anyone else dealt with this? My family just shakes their heads at me. I measure and count everything before I eat it. However it is working for me. I am just afraid it will cause a diet burn out.

    I'm the same way. It's almost like depriving yourself because you don't want to "spend" the calories. I know I get a little nervous when it's getting toward the end of the day and I have hardly any calories left. I know that's not necessarily a bad thing, but I think to myself "What if I get hungry later and I don't have any calories left, I've gotta save them!"

    It's a learning process, though. I'll learn in time how to handle that part of it.
  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
    I was the same way.. I would never go over 1200 cals a day. Never eat my exercise cals. I ALWAYS portion my food!! Really hardcore for a year.. I have been giving myself more slack lately and upped my cals to about 1300-1400 cals.. It's Summer time! =/ Believe it or not, my body has actually thanked me by losing another 3 pounds!! I have 5 lbs to go! "What a long strange trip it's been.." ~ Grateful Dead
  • melanie92
    melanie92 Posts: 184 Member
    Ditto here! I use my digital food scale, measuring cups and spoons all day long! Otherwise I am afraid I will over-estimate the food, aka portion distortion which is one of my problems. I log everything. I do eat my exercise calories. I like to leave a few calories on the table when I can, so that when I go over by a few it balances out. I am a believer in never go under 1200 calories.
  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    I'm the same way now. I noticed this last week. I get 1350 calories a day but I try and save as many as possible for the end of the day when I know that I will be hungrier. If by the end of the day I haven't needed those calories and can go under my daily goal then I feel more accomplished and happier about my daily eating plan. It's weird, and I know what you mean about wondering if it will cause diet burnout. I know that I could never be anorexic, but the sudden obsession with calories has me understanding how others develop more severe eating disorders.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I went through this extreme at one point as well. I'm not sure it's that unusual, I think it's like we swing one direction in extreme to the other and come out a nice balance in the middle as time goes on!:flowerforyou:
  • laurenpence
    laurenpence Posts: 147
    I measure every thing out before I eat it. That way I know exactly how many calories I am eating before I eat them. This is the only thing that works for me. If I just scooped out what I wanted then I would be eating 1000 calorie meals. I still like to indulge myself with my favorite creamy fattening pastas once in a while so I have to measure them out. I think you are fine and as long as its working for you then who cares what your family thinks.....its working!
  • angiereid
    angiereid Posts: 158
    it's okay to be aware but don't become obsessed remember this is a way of life not a diet and if you really want to lose weight and stay healthy, you must know what you are eating but allow yourself some splurges or else you will never be able to stick to this kinda routine your whole life i have been dieting for years and when i finally allowed myself to let go once in awhile is when i became successful. i have lost 26 pounds so far and i eat what i want which is usually healthy, but sometimes i need to be bad and if i want it i eat it and say i deserve it and workout harder the next day but i feel satsfied. good luck

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    It's normal to become more aware of what you are doing, but what I wonder is if you are doing a sort of backlash at the old ways. It's common for many of us who come from a side of hoarding food to swing in the other direction in fear of becoming what we "were" to the point of obsession.

    I don't want to put words in your fingers or try to read more in your post, but I hope you are being cautious in what you do. There's a difference between watching what you eat and deprivation/restriction. I just have a fear that in your not adding the cheese to your salad, despite knowing you had the calories available to you, it's the restriction that is guiding you, not healthful eating. And that *will* lead you astray eventually.

    We all have different goals, but I'd like to think that the majority of us want to have a life that is dictated by a natural inuitive choice of healthful eating, not one that ties you to every last calorie, gram of fat/carb/protein. (Which definitely takes time to learn after a life of lackadaisical eating) That's just as trapping and debilitating as the end we started at. Shouldn't we want to be free of the obession with food and live our lives without those ties?

    I wish all the best for you. :flowerforyou:
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Most of us got here because we didn't pay attention to what we ate. Ohh we watched what we ate.... watched it go on the plate and into our mouths! :embarassed:

    I am weighing my meat and fish and have bowls that hold 1C & 2C to measure fruits, vegies and salad greens before they go on the plate. I use the normal measuring cups and spoons too. I also take a good look at my plate before tucking in so I can learn what a proper portion looks like on the plate. Once I learn what a correctly portioned plate looks like I can back off the measuring, well, until the scale tells me to pay attention again.

    If at the end of the day I have extra calories left, so be it. After living in starvation mode most of my life I find it hard to eat 5 times a day as it is. I eat more now than I used to. My body had pretty much stopped giving hunger notice unless it had been 16+ hours or so. I am not as concerned at this point on the calories in/out as I am getting my metabolism going and making healthy choices. I am averaging 1100 so far for the day, it is more difficult to eat more often than it is to not eat at all. I will get there. And so will you.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    OK, I used to "hoard" snack and treats for myself, now I want to hoard calories and not use them. I get 1200 a day, but if a sprinkle of cheese on my salad is going to cost me 30 calories, I will do without it even though I have the cals do use. I think it is becoming a slight problem. I have went to extreme on calorie watching. Anyone else dealt with this? My family just shakes their heads at me. I measure and count everything before I eat it. However it is working for me. I am just afraid it will cause a diet burn out.

    Forget what your family or anybody else thinks about what you are doing.

    You SHOULD weigh things that you eat. It is precisely because some people do NOT weight stuff that they then find they do not lose their weight.

    It is so very easy to underestimate calories in foods, by weighing them, you are giving yourself the very best possible chance to succeed and by what you have just said, it is working.

    Stay doing what you are doing, it works. Definitely don't try to fix something that isn't broken x :flowerforyou:
  • iluvwdw
    iluvwdw Posts: 287 Member
    While I do not hoard my calories, I have started to measure everything too! It's the only way I know what I am eating. I have an obsession with my weight scale. Everytime I pee, I weigh myself! he he :)
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    While I do not hoard my calories, I have started to measure everything too! It's the only way I know what I am eating. I have an obsession with my weight scale. Everytime I pee, I weigh myself! he he :)


    Please satisfy my curiosity and tell if any weight is lost when you do this?
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Seriously, I really want to know
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: