I'm Back!!

Hello all! I have been a member of MFP before and never stuck with it, but I'm going to try again. I lost almost 30 pounds (which was awesome btw) doing Keto but I've found it unstastainable for me for the long haul. I fell off the keto wagon hard and my binge eating ramped up. I gained back 10 of those 30 and am afraid if I don't do something about it soon I will gain all my weight back. I desperately need to find a way of eating that I can live with for life. Looking forward to making some new friends along the way! 😊


  • justlog2day
    justlog2day Posts: 44 Member
    Good luck!

    Finding something sustainable is key to long term success.

    Even if it still means ups/downs. At least it's not a complete derailment.