Good morning! I need a team!

Hey y’all. I’ve been a member on and off for 3+ years. I’ve lost weight, fitness competed, you name it I’ve done it. Well, I’ve not been in a gym or eating healthy for about two years due to depression and lack of motivation. I’m at my heaviest ever weight. (155lbs at 5’8, 35y/o female). My depression is finally lifting but my weight is killing my self esteem. I need help being accountable to eat right and to get back to the gym daily.
Please help support me and I will you! I’m open to new workouts, new diet tips, recipes, anything!
I look forward to making many new friends!


  • castillo7732
    castillo7732 Posts: 5 Member
    I would love to be friends Im kind of in the smae boat as you and need supportive friends
  • kawalk1012
    kawalk1012 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I would love to be your pal here. I’m trying to lose 20lbs in 6 months. :)